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于 2010-08-12 发布 文件大小:2065KB
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  编游戏-地图编辑器 VC写得一个地图编辑器 用于游戏引擎的开发(Code Game- map editor)



0 个回复

  • octree
    3Do游戏代码,基于四差数的地形程序,lod地形实现。(3Do game code, based on the difference of four terrain procedures, incomplete realization of the terrain.)
    2005-04-05 19:14:14下载
  • HikariSourcev0.3
    说明:  OGRE引擎中可以用到的FLASH库,做UI界面游戏比较好(Ogre engine can be used FLASH library, so the game is better UI interface)
    2008-12-04 15:10:56下载
  • 11.16
    使用外部程序来控制Flightgear的一种方法,非常值得学习。共两个压缩包,一个是获取数据的程序,一个是设置的程序。(Use an external program to control a method of Flightgear well worth learning. Total of two compression package, a program to get the data, and a set program.)
    2021-04-22 12:48:48下载
  • AI.Game.Engine.Programming-code
    《AI游戏引擎程序设计》配书盘,学写C++编写人工智能程序的好书,代码具有较好的重用性 (AI game engine programming, " with book plate, learn Write C++ write the good books of the artificial intelligence program, the code has better reusability)
    2012-12-17 23:04:30下载
  • Game_MainFram_demo
    说明:  游戏开发基础demo3_3 一个纯C++编写的基本程序,包含基本窗体,资源的使用方法等。(game basis demo3_3 a pure C to prepare the basic procedures, including basic forms, the use of methods.)
    2006-03-25 20:13:21下载
  • OgreVideoPlayer
    使用三维开源引擎OGRE 播放视频的源代码 游戏编程粉可以给自己的游戏加上过场动画啦!(Use the source code of the open source 3D engine OGRE play video game programming powder can give their own game with cut scenes it!)
    2013-01-16 09:46:02下载
  • fengyun--douzhanshen0917A
    斗战神的开发脚本,具体参数请找一般ec开发工具。都有的。作为一个参考吧。能看懂的自然看得懂(Fighting Ares developing scripts)
    2021-01-17 08:28:49下载
  • 3Dmen
    别人写的模仿3D游戏人物走路的功能,仅供学习使用,(Written by someone else imitate 3D game characters walk, only to learn to use,)
    2012-08-27 08:45:36下载
  • wow_winwin_source
    directx版本的wow客户端源码,是国人写的哦(directx version of the wow client source code is written by people oh)
    2008-06-12 09:03:35下载
  • OSGFrameWork
    最近学习OSG,下载了FreeSouth大侠的一个MFC框架RambleSystem,自己学习了一下,新建了一个单文档程序,改了其中一些bug,和大家分享一下。单文档程序实现的功能非常简单,就是打开显示osg文件。不过仍存在一个问题,例如打开一些osg文件显示模型不理想,估计是视口设置有问题;另外打开一些osg文件出现内存泄露。(Recent study OSG, download heroes of an MFC framework FreeSouth RambleSystem, you learn a little, a single document, new procedures, some of which changed the bug, and share with you. Program realization of the function of a single document is very simple to open display osg file. However, there are still a problem, such as opening a number of osg file display model is not satisfactory, as the population estimate is set to have problems other osg files appear to open a number of memory leaks.)
    2021-04-15 16:38:54下载
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