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于 2021-04-15 发布 文件大小:152KB
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  最近学习OSG,下载了FreeSouth大侠的一个MFC框架RambleSystem,自己学习了一下,新建了一个单文档程序,改了其中一些bug,和大家分享一下。单文档程序实现的功能非常简单,就是打开显示osg文件。不过仍存在一个问题,例如打开一些osg文件显示模型不理想,估计是视口设置有问题;另外打开一些osg文件出现内存泄露。(Recent study OSG, download heroes of an MFC framework FreeSouth RambleSystem, you learn a little, a single document, new procedures, some of which changed the bug, and share with you. Program realization of the function of a single document is very simple to open display osg file. However, there are still a problem, such as opening a number of osg file display model is not satisfactory, as the population estimate is set to have problems other osg files appear to open a number of memory leaks.)


OSG FrameWork
.............\OSG Play.sln,884,2010-06-29





0 个回复

  • octree
    3Do游戏代码,基于四差数的地形程序,lod地形实现。(3Do game code, based on the difference of four terrain procedures, incomplete realization of the terrain.)
    2005-04-05 19:14:14下载
  • CuraEngine-master
    3维切片算法引擎写上传资料的详细功能、包含内容说明(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。(Three dimensional slice algorithm engine written detailed upload function, including the content description (at least 20 characters). Try not to let station to the time spent on your note on the amendment. Extracting compressed package can not have a password.)
    2013-11-08 10:19:08下载
  • ASEngineSDK
    2008-06-17 23:03:22下载
  • OSGFrameWork
    最近学习OSG,下载了FreeSouth大侠的一个MFC框架RambleSystem,自己学习了一下,新建了一个单文档程序,改了其中一些bug,和大家分享一下。单文档程序实现的功能非常简单,就是打开显示osg文件。不过仍存在一个问题,例如打开一些osg文件显示模型不理想,估计是视口设置有问题;另外打开一些osg文件出现内存泄露。(Recent study OSG, download heroes of an MFC framework FreeSouth RambleSystem, you learn a little, a single document, new procedures, some of which changed the bug, and share with you. Program realization of the function of a single document is very simple to open display osg file. However, there are still a problem, such as opening a number of osg file display model is not satisfactory, as the population estimate is set to have problems other osg files appear to open a number of memory leaks.)
    2021-04-15 16:38:54下载
  • fengyun--douzhanshen0917A
    斗战神的开发脚本,具体参数请找一般ec开发工具。都有的。作为一个参考吧。能看懂的自然看得懂(Fighting Ares developing scripts)
    2021-01-17 08:28:49下载
  • AI.Game.Engine.Programming-code
    《AI游戏引擎程序设计》配书盘,学写C++编写人工智能程序的好书,代码具有较好的重用性 (AI game engine programming, " with book plate, learn Write C++ write the good books of the artificial intelligence program, the code has better reusability)
    2012-12-17 23:04:30下载
  • BubblesGame
    用游戏引擎模仿flash做得小型游戏,可以自动记录分数,有自己得关卡(Flash game engine used to do small-scale imitation game, you can automatically record scores have have their own points)
    2009-04-10 18:03:16下载
  • TTimo-doom3.gpl-1559777
    doom3全套源代码,基于id tech 4引擎,绝对经典,值得学习和研究。(the souce code of doom3. Based upon id tech 4 engine.Good code to study. )
    2011-11-24 14:04:58下载
  • vcmap
    编游戏-地图编辑器 VC写得一个地图编辑器 用于游戏引擎的开发(Code Game- map editor)
    2010-08-12 10:39:15下载
  • LODManager
    用四叉树实现了LOD地形的绘制,当然,是四叉树,如果有需要了解的话,或者是想要做场景管理开发的话,建议必备,呵呵!其他的就不多说啦!代码才是真功夫!祝下载者体验愉快吧!(Use quadtree realized LOD terrain rendering, of course, is quad-tree, and if there is a need to know about it, or want to make scene, necessary management development, hehe! Other did not say! Code is true effort! Wish downloaders experience enjoyable!)
    2010-08-23 22:26:33下载
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