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于 2014-02-10 发布 文件大小:31KB
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  Delphi开机自启动+添加桌面快捷方式源代码实例,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi boot from the start+ add desktop shortcut source code examples, programmed learning source, a good reference.)



0 个回复

  • libraryms
    功能简介:用户管理:添加用户,修改密码,注销用户 图书管理:增加图书,修改图书,删除图书,查询图书 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 (Features: User management: add users, change passwords, log off the user library management: increasing Books, modify books, remove the books, check books library card management: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return query : to borrow books, return books, check library card to borrow and return management of the situation: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return the query: to borrow books and return books to borrow and return the case query)
    2010-11-25 11:58:48下载
  • indy9_ForD2007
    delphi2007自动安装的indy10,但是有些地方仍然使用的是indy9 ,delphi2007 安装indy9(Delphi2007 automatic installation of indy10, but in some places still use the indy9, delphi2007 install indy9)
    2021-05-06 17:19:55下载
  • xxl
    Delphi XE5实现的一个消消乐游戏代码,该代码是从外国网站下来下来,经过测试可以编译,除了图形效果稍微差了外,基本上和流行的消消乐差不多,该游戏实现了图形的拖放、自动消除、自动下移填充图形、时间限制、分数计算。 (Delphi XE5 achieve a Diminshing music game code, which is down a foreign website down, tested can be compiled, in addition to slightly worse graphics, but basically, and popular music is almost Diminshing, the game implements a graphical drag release, automatic cancellation, automatic filling down the graphics, the time limit, score calculation.)
    2014-12-07 10:41:24下载
  • EhLib_v4.1.4(好用)
    说明:  delphi7下好用的DBGRIDEH控件(The enlib4.1 Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi7)
    2020-07-13 14:48:52下载
  • MultiWii_2_3
    MWC多轴飞控源程序,已经升级到2.3版本,有很大的改动。(MWC multi-axis flight control source, has been upgraded to version 2.3, there are a lot of changes.)
    2013-11-30 17:05:25下载
  • HexToBin_DSP
    一个将DSP专用的HEX文件转换为BIN文件的工具,用delphi编写的源码。即可作为工具,也可以作为源码学习之用。(A DSP dedicated HEX file conversion tool for BIN files, using Delphi to prepare the source code can be used as a tool, can also be used as a source of learning.)
    2021-04-17 20:58:53下载
  • 2010122114218412
    打印价签的,学习用,使用请修改对应的数据库 (Print price tag, and learn to use, modify the corresponding database using)
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  • Indy9
    说明:  Indy 9 for delphi 5,6,7
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  • PortScanner
    A simple port scanner,enjoy :P
    2010-10-16 22:47:54下载
    Write a chat program with DELPHI
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