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于 2015-03-19 发布 文件大小:44KB
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  数字信号处理资料 涉及Matla编程应用(Digital signal processing information relating to the application programming Matla)



0 个回复

  • DiffEvol
    Program in matlab for trainig rbf networks. I hope is good for you.
    2009-05-09 16:48:32下载
  • 555
    matlab图像处理源代码 大家多多分享(matlab Image processing source code )
    2009-05-26 18:01:58下载
  • autochange
    汽车行驶工况识别S函数的M文件,根据车速和加速度判断汽车当前行驶的工况。(drive cycle identify)
    2012-04-17 15:57:29下载
  • Virtual-reality
    helpful virtual rality document
    2015-03-03 00:06:17下载
  • pso
    改进的pso算法(3个m文件和一个说明文件): 本算法实现Clerc and Kennedy 2002年对pso算法的重要改进(The improved PSO algorithm (3 M files and a description of the file): An important improvement of Clerc and Kennedy in 2002 on the PSO algorithm this algorithm)
    2014-08-19 11:14:26下载
  • dtc
    电机的直接转矩控制。异步电机直接转矩控制。matlab方针。(Motor direct torque control. Asynchronous motor direct torque control. The matlab guidelines.)
    2012-09-13 14:52:39下载
  • caisemoxingzhuanhuan
    GUI系统彩色模型转换,能够将图像变为RGB,NTSC,HSV等模型(GUI system color model conversion, the ability to image into RGB, NTSC, HSV and other models)
    2014-01-26 10:07:19下载
  • Matlab
    nonmaxsup——非最大值抑制 hysthresh——设定阈值区间,返回一个二值化图像 canny——边缘探测,图像边缘增强 adjgamma——调整图像的伽马值 findline——利用线性Hough变换和Canny边缘探测得到的线上各点的坐标 circlecoords——返回由圆的半径和圆心坐标决定的圆上各点像素的坐标 houghcircle——取一幅经过canny变换的图像,利用hough变换找到图像中的一个圆 findcircle——计算所得线上各点的坐标归纳出一个圆的半径和圆心,确定该圆的各点坐标 gaborconvolve——利用一维盖伯滤波器对图像进行处理 gethammingdistance ——返回两幅虹膜图像提取的特征码之间的海明距离 linecoords——返回一条线的上各点的x,y坐标值(nonmaxsup- non-maximum suppression hysthresh- set the threshold range, returns a binary image canny- edge detection, image edge enhancement adjgamma- adjust the image' s gamma value findline- linear Hough transform and Canny edge detection get the coordinates of each point circlecoords online- Returns coordinate houghcircle on the circle of the radius and center coordinates of the points decision pixels- After taking a picture canny transformation, using hough transform to find the image of a circle findcircle- the calculated coordinates of each point line summed up a circle of radius and center, to determine the coordinates of each point of the circle gaborconvolve- using a 维盖伯 filter for image processing gethammingdistance- returns two iris images extracted linecoords Hamming distance between the signature- a return line to the points on the x, y coordinate values)
    2014-05-10 17:18:37下载
  • Flow-calculation
    简单经典的潮流计算程序 适合初学者理清潮流计算的编程思路(Simple classic flow calculation procedures, suitable for beginners to sort out programming ideas flow calculation)
    2013-08-22 22:03:14下载
  • code
    This is a water Marking Demonstration,includes a host image, watermark image Resultant images are Watermarked image and at decoder, Reconstructed water mark.
    2010-02-19 00:19:31下载
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