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于 2015-03-11 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  用c++编写的航空客户管理系统,实现管理员登入管理数据,客户登入查询、订票、退票等功能,登入密码自己可以在原代码中查找并修改(Airline customer management system written in c++, to achieve data administrator login management, customer login query, booking, refund and other functions, login password yourself can look on the original code and modify the)





0 个回复

  • zjhuizongbiao
    通过与K3ERP后台SQL数据库接轨,实现资金汇总报表VB.NET的开发(VB.NET development fund summary report)
    2011-08-30 09:43:42下载
  • PhoneRecord
    本系统是采用visual C++开发的企业电话语音录音管理系统,所用到的数据库是sql server 2005(This system is developed using visual C++ business telephone voice recording management system, the use of the database is sql server 2005)
    2011-07-19 19:08:54下载
  • diannaobaojiaguanlixitong
    电脑报价管理系统,实现查询,插入,修改,统计等等功能,用语装机时候管理帐单,配件等等,有数据库备份(Computer pricing management system, query, insert, modify, statistics and so on function, management of billing terms when installed, accessories and so on, have a database backup)
    2008-04-10 17:02:37下载
  • person
    一個很不錯的人事考勤系統,強烈講義大家下載,帶源碼,可以修改( A 鈻?ery 鈻?uman affairs checking attendance is not 鈻? 鈻?nder fierce 鈻♀枴everybody 鈻? 鈻?he source 鈻? may revise )
    2004-07-05 22:58:30下载
  • warehouse-management-system
    基于VC++的仓库管理系统中的产品信息管理 1、产品类目管理:产品类别的添加、删除和修改 2、产品信息管理:产品信息的添加、删除和修改 基于VC++的仓库管理系统中的库存操作管理 1、入库操作管理:入库操作的添加、修改和删除 2、出库操作管理:出库操作的添加、修改和删除 3、库存盘点管理:库存盘点的添加、修改和删除(Based on VC++ warehouse management system product information management 1, the product category management: product categories to add, delete, and modify 2, product information management: product information to add, delete and modify based on VC++ warehouse management system inventory operations Management 1, warehouse operations management: warehousing operations to add, modify, and delete 2, a database operation and management: a library operations to add, modify and delete 3, Inventory management: inventory to add, modify and delete)
    2011-10-16 11:04:56下载
  • ToolWarehouseSystem
    说明:  TWS主要分为两个部分,第一部分是员工与工具信息管理系统(Employ and Tool Management System, ETMS),详细记录工具的借、还与工具状态,公司内部 员工可以通过本地企业局域网(Intranet)查询自己工具的借还情况,并发出对贵 重工具的请求。对于本地没有的特殊工具,员工可以使用ETMS 通过互联网 (Internet)在总公司或各个子公司的仓库中查找特定工具,并发出借用该工具的 请求。 第二部分是一个仓库的实时管理系统(Warehouse Management System , WMS),位于总公司和每个子公司的工具仓库,在提取具体工具时,用户需要到 具体的工具仓库进行工具的提取(也可以在工具仓库现场借工具)(Tool Warehouse System)
    2021-03-18 16:09:20下载
  • vb2005moneymanger
    说明:  vb2005个人财务管理工具(access数据库)。实现对财务的管理,修改和删除等常用操作(vb2005 personal financial management tools (access database). Implementation of financial management, modify, and delete operations such as common)
    2010-04-06 22:32:14下载
  • wuziguanlixitong
    物资管理系统,很好的,大家下载了就知道好用了(Materials management system, very good, everyone will know downloaded a useful)
    2008-04-16 22:41:55下载
  • normal
    fuzzy ahp,即模糊层次分析法的原始程序,该程序实现了输入模糊数输出相对权重的功能,可以被很好使用(fuzzy ahp, FAHP the original procedure, the program input output fuzzy numbers relative weighting function can be well used)
    2006-07-20 16:09:46下载
  • salary_manage_system
    该程序设计的是一个小企业的工资管理工具。小企业中,包括普通员工、中层管理人员、财务人员、高层管 理人员等。每类人员除了基本工资,还包括些绩效奖励。通过系统运算,计算出企业的月工资总输出。并给出其 它统计信息,如最高工资、最低工资等。(The program is designed for a small business payroll management tool. Small businesses, including general staff, middle managers, financial officers, senior management personnel. In addition to basic salary for each category of personnel, but also includes some performance incentives. Through the system, calculates the monthly salary total output of enterprises. And gives other statistical information, such as the maximum wage, minimum wage.)
    2020-12-07 19:49:21下载
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