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于 2013-12-14 发布 文件大小:16KB
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  设计一系统,实现医药公司定期对销售各药品的记录进行统计,可按药品的编号、单价、销售量或销售额做出排名。(Design a system, the realization of pharmaceutical company on a regular basis to update a record of each drug sales statistics, according to the serial number of drugs, unit price, sales or sales rankings.)



0 个回复

  • DeviceBook
    仓库管理系统,增删改查都很齐全,主要是用vc++开发的,access数据库(Warehouse management system, CRUD are complete with vc++ development, access databases)
    2012-12-07 11:24:26下载
  • fingerprint
    fingerprint recognition
    2013-11-15 22:26:35下载
  • tccglxt
    停车场管理系统 对于VB的初学者来说,是具有一定的价值的,并且为别的系统提供思路(it is really useful for a person who learn VB at beginning)
    2011-12-15 01:13:23下载
  • company
    编写一个程序实现小型公司的人员信息管理系统。该公司雇员(employee)包括经理(manager),技术人员(technician)、销售员(salesman)和销售部经理(salesmanager)。要求存储这些人员的姓名、编号、级别、当月薪水,计算月薪并显示全部信息。 程序要对所有人员有提升级别的功能。为简单起见,所有人员的初始级别均为1,然后进行升级,经理升为4级,技术人员和销售部经理升为3级,销售员仍为1级。 月薪计算办法是:经理拿固定月薪8000元,技术人员按每小时100元领取月薪,销售员按该当月销售额4 提成,销售经理既拿固定月工资也领取销售提成,固定月工资为5000元,销售提成为所管辖部门当月销售额的5‰。 (Write a program to implement the personnel information management system of small company. The company employees (employee) including managers (manager), technical personnel (technician), salesman (salesman) and the sales manager (salesmanager). For store the personnel s name, serial number, level, monthly salary, calculate monthly salary and display all the information. Program for all personnel have the function of level. For the sake of simplicity, all staff of the initial level 1, and then upgrade, manager promoted to level 4, technicians and sales manager for level 3, the salesperson is still the 1st level. Monthly salary calculation way is: managers with a fixed monthly salary of 8000 yuan, technicians receive monthly salary 100 yuan per hour, the salesman make the monthly sales 4 commission, sales manager with both fixed monthly salary also receive sales commissions, fixed monthly salary of 5000 yuan, sales to become the jurisdiction of the department of sales that month 5 ‰.)
    2015-06-04 13:32:42下载
  • yaopin
    设计一系统,实现医药公司定期对销售各药品的记录进行统计,可按药品的编号、单价、销售量或销售额做出排名。(Design a system, the realization of pharmaceutical company on a regular basis to update a record of each drug sales statistics, according to the serial number of drugs, unit price, sales or sales rankings.)
    2013-12-14 21:37:36下载
  • eReccKQ_Acccm
    企业员工考勤与工资管理系统,支持Acccess与MS SQL Server数据库 (Employee attendance and payroll management system, the support Acccess and MS SQL Server Database)
    2020-07-01 08:20:02下载
  • dazhi.net
    主要是关于仓库管理的,功能还不错哟,也可以根据自己的情况进行修改(Mainly on warehouse management, functions well yo can also be modified according to their own situation)
    2011-08-24 12:00:46下载
  • store_manager
    这是一个库存管理系统,1.使用SQL Server建立数据库和表以及相应的视图; 2.使用Visual C++建立基于对话框模型的工程框架 3.依次创建各表的类,用来操作表数据 4.创建用户登陆模块,实现基本的登录和退出功能 5.创建客户管理模块,实现对客户信息的编辑和管理功能 6.创建仓库管理模块,实现对仓库信息的编辑和管理功能 7.创建产品管理模块,实现对产品类别和信息的编辑和管理功能 8.创建操作管理模块,实现对仓库的各种操作的编辑以及管理功能 9.创建统计查询管理模块,实现对产品的出入库统计以及对库存产品流水统计功能 10.创建数量管理模块,实现产品数量报警以及失效报警功能 ()
    2007-07-16 10:26:55下载
  • warehouse-management-system
    基于VC++的仓库管理系统中的产品信息管理 1、产品类目管理:产品类别的添加、删除和修改 2、产品信息管理:产品信息的添加、删除和修改 基于VC++的仓库管理系统中的库存操作管理 1、入库操作管理:入库操作的添加、修改和删除 2、出库操作管理:出库操作的添加、修改和删除 3、库存盘点管理:库存盘点的添加、修改和删除(Based on VC++ warehouse management system product information management 1, the product category management: product categories to add, delete, and modify 2, product information management: product information to add, delete and modify based on VC++ warehouse management system inventory operations Management 1, warehouse operations management: warehousing operations to add, modify, and delete 2, a database operation and management: a library operations to add, modify and delete 3, Inventory management: inventory to add, modify and delete)
    2011-10-16 11:04:56下载
  • jinxiaocunguanli
    进销存管理系统,利用Visual C++和SQL语言共同完成的进销存管理软件(Inventory management systems, using Visual C++ and SQL language common to complete the inventory management software)
    2010-05-23 11:45:30下载
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