YouTube网站上的幻灯片特效代码,从谷歌的youtube capture上扒下来的,图文banner切换效果。简洁大气,美观又不失时尚,名站的设计师就是不一样啊,因为喜欢这个焦点图幻灯代码,所以才花了不少时间整理出来,不敢独享,与源码爱好者网页分享,截图中的乱码是因为编码没有修改,自己用时候添加一行编码声明就不会乱码了。(Slide effects on YouTube code from Google, YouTube Capture on picking down, the graphic banner transition effects. Simple atmosphere, beautiful yet stylish, the designer of the name of the station is not the same ah, because I like the focus map slide code, why they spent a lot of time to sort out, not exclusive, to share it with the source enthusiasts page, screenshots in the garbage because the code is not modified when adding a line to encoding declaration will not be garbled.)