MATLAB programs designed for Hilbert-huang processing of faulted energy system voltages obtained over PSCAD simulations.
- 2010-07-05 16:39:23下载
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Henon映射 - Main_Henon.m(Henon映射- Main_Henon.m)
- 2010-12-01 21:41:51下载
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This toolbox distributes processes over matlab workers available over the intranet/internet (SPMD or MPMD parallel model). It is very useful for corsely granular parallelization problems and in the precesence of a distributed and heterogeneus computer enviroment. No need for configuration files ! Cross platforms, cross OS and cross MATLAB versions. Workers can be added to the parallel computation even if it has started. No need of a common file system, all comms are using tcpip connections
- 2005-07-26 15:56:55下载
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Add pilot symbols to the input data just before transmission
2. Implement cyclic prefix (CP), use 10 of symbol length. Divide the 64
input data points into 8-bit streams, generate and append the CP based
on each symbol
3. Include complex noise into transmitted signal
Organization of Transmitter end of OFDM System
a. Generate Data
b. Modulate
c. Serial to Parallel
d. Cyclic Prefix (CP)
e. Add Pilot points
g. Parallel to Serial
- 2010-05-23 22:09:45下载
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马尔科夫链的matlab仿真,马尔可夫模型(Markov Model,MM)是统计模型,它用来描述一个含有隐含未知参数的马尔可夫过程。(Matlab simulation of Markov chains, Markov models (Markov Model, MM) is a statistical model, which is used to describe an unknown parameter containing hidden Markov process.)
- 2013-07-25 07:29:31下载
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MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab 例程。包含propagation and fading、SISO channel models、MIMO Channel models、intorduction to ofdm、 synchronization for ofdm、channel estimation、Papr reduction、inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity,attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO(MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab routines. Includes propagation and fading, SISO channel models, MIMO Channel models, intorduction to ofdm, synchronization for ofdm, channel estimation, Papr reduction, inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity, attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO)
- 2014-01-04 17:29:13下载
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three-phase converter using matlab simulink
- 2014-02-18 05:08:32下载
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牛顿迭代法求无约束一维极值问题的速度相当快,而且还有一个好处就是能高度逼近最优值。(Newton iteration method for one-dimensional unconstrained extremum problem very fast, but there is a benefit that can be highly close to the optimal value.)
- 2013-09-08 15:10:32下载
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关于PID算法的基于matlab的simulink下的仿真,很好的资料,可以快速的帮助设计PID参数。(Under the simulink simulation matlab based on good information about the PID algorithm can quickly help design PID parameters.)
- 2014-10-24 23:59:16下载
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利用matlab编程实现粒子群算法,来进行寻找最优解(particle swarm optimization)
- 2013-09-29 11:14:01下载
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