MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab 例程。包含propagation and fading、SISO channel models、MIMO Channel models、intorduction to ofdm、 synchronization for ofdm、channel estimation、Papr reduction、inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity,attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO(MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab routines. Includes propagation and fading, SISO channel models, MIMO Channel models, intorduction to ofdm, synchronization for ofdm, channel estimation, Papr reduction, inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity, attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO)
Wiley10_MIMO-OFDM Wireless Comms with MATLAB (Source Codes)