function [ H ,S ] = HS( f ) UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here Detailed explanation goes here syms x1 x2 f1=diff(f,x1) f2=diff(f,x2) S= [f1 f2] H = [diff(f1,x1) diff(f1,x2) diff(f2,x1) diff(f2,x2)] end s0=subs(S,findsym(S),[0 0])(function [H, S] = HS (f) UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here Detailed explanation goes here syms x1 x2 f1 = diff (f, x1) f2 = diff (f, x2) S = [f1 f2] H = [diff (f1, x1) diff (f1, x2) diff (f2, x1) diff (f2, x2)] end s0 = subs (S, findsym (S), [0 0 ]))