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于 2021-02-08 发布 文件大小:19268KB
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  ProE/Toolkit开发库基于同步模式DLL动态链接库形式的二次开发工程。根据官方文档中实例修改实现了根据MFC窗口输入参数自动画圆柱、圆台、棱柱等基本几何形状。即完成了草绘、拉伸、旋转等基本操作的代码实现以及其组合的实现。(备注:软件版本是ProE Wildfire 5.0,对应的开发环境是VS2008。工程所需外部链接库网上可以查到。)(ProE/Toolkit development libraries based on the synchronous mode dynamic link library DLL form of secondary development projects. Modify achieved under MFC window input parameters the base geometry animation cylinder, round table, prism, etc., according to official documents instances. That completed a sketch, drawing, code rotation and other basic operations to achieve and realize its portfolio. (Note: The software version is ProE Wildfire 5.0, the corresponding development environment is VS2008 external link libraries needed projects can be found online.))







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  • ogrIntersectLyr
    使用ogr进行intersect空间运算,结果导出excel(ogr intersect c++ gdal excel)
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