首页 » PPT » Ansys专题教程,里面包括动力学、电磁场、优化设计、热分析、耦合场和几个例子ansysbook


于 2009-03-02 发布 文件大小:22391KB
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  Ansys专题教程,里面包括动力学、电磁场、优化设计、热分析、耦合场和几个例子(Ansys book contains dynamics,electromagnetic field,optimization design,analysis of heat,coupling field and several examples)


.............\........\9_Bonded Contact.ppt
.............\........\WS10_APDL Basics_2D Bracket using Parameters.PPT
.............\........\WS14_MTB_Pipe Shell.PPT
.............\........\WS1_Array Parameters_Axisymmetric Wheel.PPT
.............\........\WS5Importing Geometry.PPT
.............\........\WS6_Modal Analysis_Block LanczosU_Bracket.PPT
.............\........\WS9_Macro Basics_Verifying Pressures.PPT
.............\........\M5_优化设计 2.ppt
.............\........\设计优化_练习 附录.ppt
.............\....\2_WS07_Nonlinear Analysis_Large Deflection_Arched Beam.PPT



0 个回复

  • uCOS-II-RefMan
    说明:  UCOS-2系统的函数手册,有原型有举例,是UCOS-2开发不可多得的参考资料。(UCOS-2 Reference manual)
    2010-03-21 10:31:56下载
  • eetop.cn_FPGA数字信号处理实现原理及方法
    本书介绍基于FPGA实现数字信号处理的原理与方法,作为Xilinx公司相关课程的培训教材(The FPGA implementation of DSP principle & method.)
    2020-06-17 23:20:01下载
  • DB
    说明:  What is data structure? A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of datList out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively?  Compiler Design,  Operating System,  Database Management System,  Statistical analysis package,  Numerical Analysis,  Graphics,  Artificial Intelligence,  Simulation
    2010-03-17 18:28:18下载
  • BRA
    Digital Predistortion of Nonlieaner RF Power Amplifier with Memory Effects. This M code simulates a DPD technique linearization for a AB-class nonlinear HPA with memory effects. Here we consider a memory polynomial predistorter to modeling nonlinearity characteristics and memory effects of a HPA.Simulation procedures divided into three separate parts: 1)Analog imperfection compensation for the direct upconversion transmitter 2)Design a DPD based on a memory polynomial predistorter 3)Performance evaluation via a number of parameters such as:EVM,PSD,SNR,
    2011-05-10 00:45:24下载
  • m043531
    the document is a datasheet of Mifare 4K chip, and is useful to understand the Mifare applications
    2010-01-27 12:35:45下载
  • gowithsmiling
    说明:  我在惠普公司,从助理工程师到高级工程师,从市场部经理到市场总监,从助理总裁到首席知识官,到公司决策委员会成员,成为为数不多的进入大型跨国公司中国区高层的本地管理人员之一,有幸感受到惠普公司高效而又人性化的管理。(I said in my Hewlett-Packard, from assistant engineer to engineer, from Marketing Manager to Marketing Director, from the Executive Director to the Chief Knowledge Officer, to the corporate decision-making members of the Committee, becoming one of the few large multinational companies to enter China, the highest level of local management staff, one of Hewlett-Packard had the privilege to feel humane and highly effective management.)
    2008-11-22 06:37:53下载
  • magical_perl
    《神奇的perl》经典的入门的书籍,值得推荐(The magic of the classic Perl entry books, it is recommended)
    2016-12-13 23:14:11下载
  • kernel-api
    kernel-api书籍,英文版,希望对大家有所帮助(kernel-api book, in English, I hope all of you to help)
    2009-05-23 23:25:34下载
  • shujukuxitgainian
    经典教材数据库系统概念,很多大学计算机系的研究生课程用书 (Classical concept of teaching materials database system, many university computer science graduate course books)
    2008-12-28 12:19:58下载
  • model-predictive-control-toolbox
    模型预测控制的工具箱的全解,非常详细,对初学者十分有用,希望能帮助大家。(Full Solution Model Predictive Control Toolbox, very detailed, very useful for beginners, hoping to help you.)
    2017-03-01 10:43:39下载
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