说明: 我在惠普公司,从助理工程师到高级工程师,从市场部经理到市场总监,从助理总裁到首席知识官,到公司决策委员会成员,成为为数不多的进入大型跨国公司中国区高层的本地管理人员之一,有幸感受到惠普公司高效而又人性化的管理。(I said in my Hewlett-Packard, from assistant engineer to engineer, from Marketing Manager to Marketing Director, from the Executive Director to the Chief Knowledge Officer, to the corporate decision-making members of the Committee, becoming one of the few large multinational companies to enter China, the highest level of local management staff, one of Hewlett-Packard had the privilege to feel humane and highly effective management.)