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于 2013-10-09 发布 文件大小:506KB
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  一个利用MATLAB编写的螺纹钢期货高频交易套利策略。本策略主要使用移动平均(Moving Average)+RSI 指数策略进行交易判定。其基本思想是 MA 策略对 于明显 趋势走效果较好,而 RSI 策略适用于震荡的行情 ,对两种策略 产生的信号合成之后具有较强抵抗风险的能力 。实际验中,在对初始价格信号进行处理并 通过以往数据回测,得到最佳据回测,得到最佳参数组合之后,策略的年均收益率 达到了23.6,夏普比率为 2.05。(One using MATLAB rebar futures arbitrage high frequency trading strategies. This strategy is mainly used moving average (Moving Average)+ RSI index trading strategy determination. The basic idea is a clear trend to go for MA strategy is better, while RSI strategy for market shocks, the two signals generated after synthesis strategy has a strong ability to resist risks. Practical experience, in the pair. Practical experience, in the pair. Actual experiment, in the initial price signals to be processed and the data back through the previous test, get the best according to backtesting, get the best combination of parameters, the strategy to achieve an average annual rate of return of 23.6 2, the Sharpe ratio of 2.05.)



0 个回复

  • elsevier-MSS-201609
    用小波变换,分析期货螺纹钢RB1610,周期的源代码,含数据,直接执行程序即可; 绝对可以用。 WAVELET ,FUTURE,RB1610(Wavelet transform, analyze futures rebar RB1610, the cycle of the source code, including data, direct executor can definitely use. Wavelet transform, analysis of the futures rebar RB1610, the cycle of the source code, including data, the direct implementation of procedures can be Absolutely available.)
    2020-11-27 21:29:30下载
  • ExpertP10
    一款很好的EA,在MT4平台应用,针对美元和黄金,尤其是15分钟和30分钟图表,准确率达到60-80 (A good EA, the MT4 platform application, against the dollar and gold, especially 15 minutes and 30 minutes chart, accuracy rate of 60-80 )
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  • 100_Pips_Today_Scalper
    Its EA MT4. just enjoy!!
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