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于 2020-11-27 发布 文件大小:6018KB
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  用小波变换,分析期货螺纹钢RB1610,周期的源代码,含数据,直接执行程序即可; 绝对可以用。 WAVELET ,FUTURE,RB1610(Wavelet transform, analyze futures rebar RB1610, the cycle of the source code, including data, direct executor can definitely use. Wavelet transform, analysis of the futures rebar RB1610, the cycle of the source code, including data, the direct implementation of procedures can be Absolutely available.)





0 个回复

  • Forexustaad-pro
    说明:  pro indicator for forex trading
    2019-04-25 02:08:04下载
  • 带MYSQL数据库的ctp-wxzb-CTP-TradeServer-master
    说明:  ctp c++ 交易主机 宽客程序员福音(ctp trade main machine c++ source code with a mysql database)
    2020-10-27 09:35:16下载
  • mt4api开发包[]
    说明:  简介 mt4api接口,是用于直接连接mt4服务器,获取实时行情报价,交易执行,以及历史行情和历史订单的查询等功能的dll接口, 适合开发行情展示或者订单管理,交易策略等,如果可以,你甚至可以用他开发一个mt4客户端!该api比使用mt4终端进行报价和交易要快得多; 提供实时开仓、平仓等多种功能。 功能特点 报价连接:提供直连服务器获取数据功能。 实时报价: 可以获取每个证券代码的实时报价。 证券/组: 提供获取所有证券代码和用户所在组信息。 交易连接:直连服务器进行交易,不需要mt4终端客户端。 交易类型:支持所有交易类型 订单反馈:提供实时平仓开仓反馈。 盈亏状态:实时的盈亏状态。(brief introduction MT4 API interface is a DLL interface used to connect MT4 server directly, obtain real-time information price, transaction execution, query historical quotation and historical order, etc. Suitable for the development of market display or order management, trading strategies, etc., if you can, you can even use him to develop a MT4 client! The API is much faster than quoting and trading with MT4 terminals. Provide real-time warehouse opening, closing and other functions.)
    2019-06-12 17:35:18下载
  • 对冲套利EA
    说明:  可以用来对冲和套利交易欧美和磅美货币对,还可以自定其它货币对交易(It can be used for hedging and arbitrage transactions between European and American and pound-dollar currencies, as well as other currency pair transactions.)
    2020-06-24 05:20:02下载
  • 123
    模拟银行业务:(1) 银行每日的现金额固定,工作窗口个数固定(大于1),客户只能在工作窗口办理业务。 (2) 客户出现可以为随机,其办理的业务种类也随机。客户在到达银行时,总是最短的选择队伍排在最后面。 (3) 当客户取款时,如果帐户余额不足,则拒绝其取款;当银行现金额不足时,应请客户等待,银行现金额充足时通知客户,立即为其办理;当客户等待一定时间后现金仍然不足,或者客户主动查询N次之后,现金仍然不足,则会离开银行。 (4) 客户的存款应加入银行当日当前可用现金额。 (5) 动画实时显示银行办理业务的情况。可以启动、暂停、重新启动银行业务。 (6) 对于本程序,用户可以创建某一特定客户,使之进入银行办理业务,以便测试。 (Analog Banking: (1) bank fixed daily amount of cash, the number of fixed working window (greater than 1), customers can conduct business in the working window. (2) the customer may appear random, handled its business lines also random. When customers reach the bank, always choose the shortest team came in last. (3) when the customer withdrawals, if your account balance is insufficient, rejected its withdrawal when there is insufficient amount of cash banks should ask the customer to wait, notify the customer when sufficient amount of cash banks, immediately its handling when customers wait for a certain time after the cash after still insufficient, or the customer initiative inquiry N times, cash is still insufficient, it will leave the bank. (4) the customer' s date of deposit currently available amount of cash banks should join. (5) Real-time animation display case bank business. You can start, pause, restart banking. (6) For this program, the user can create a specific customer)
    2016-04-27 21:31:06下载
  • yinghangguanli
    实现简单的存取功能,代码精炼,值得研究自编,大家支持一下(To achieve a simple access, self-compiled, we support what)
    2010-01-04 20:42:33下载
  • DayTrading
    mt4平台EA系统完整代码,提供编程思路,根据自己需要修改、改变。( EA system complete code mt4 platform provides programming ideas, according to their own need to change, change. )
    2013-09-22 17:45:00下载
  • blessing3.9.6
    Blessing_3_v3_9_6稳定盈利set,仅限AUDNZD货币对,周期M1。 使用本压缩包内的SET,LAF默认是15,根据历史测试来看具有较大的风险,需要手动规避数据。 合理设置为LAF=8,请自行设置和调试,找到自己合适的风险值。(This is an EA developed by JTAToday. It is one of the stable EA around. most difficult thing with this EA is set files. I have developed few set files for EURUSD, GBPUSD, XAUUSD. All of them perform well. Good stable returns for anyone who is looking for such. Caution: Use it according to your own risk appetite. Test it well. Also maintain proper Account Balance. Do not use it on small account balances. You can use ex4 version. mq4 is uploaded, for anyone who wants to modify. Not sure why one would want to do that.)
    2020-06-20 20:40:01下载
  • SmartmouseFX
    说明:  加载到欧美M1使用。 到达条件,自动开单。无需人工干预,全自动交易。(Load to Europe and America M1 for use. Arrival conditions, automatic billing. No manual intervention, automatic trading.)
    2019-03-23 11:32:35下载
  • Stockzy
    增加excel表中股票代码导入文本代码与行情功能(The increase of Excel stock code table import text code and market function )
    2014-11-06 11:19:36下载
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  • 104573会员总数
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