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于 2013-09-20 发布 文件大小:5010KB
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  《MATLAB神经网络30个案例分析》中的第22个例子,案例22 LVQ神经网络的预测——人脸朝向识别。希望对大家有一定的帮助! (The MATLAB neural network analysis of 30 cases of 22 example, 22 cases of LVQ neural network prediction, face toward the identification. Hope to have certain help to everybody!)



0 个回复

  • chap4_2
    基于模糊自适应调节的滑膜控制仿真程序,对象为 G(s)=133/s(s+25)(Synovial Fuzzy adaptive control simulation program, the object is G (s) = 133/s (s+25))
    2011-04-21 15:47:47下载
  • chintan2
    Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.
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  • ahp-lamada
    和法求最大特征根和特征向量 特征根法求最大特征根和特征向量(And the method for the biggest characteristic root and characteristic vector eigenvalue method for the biggest characteristic root and characteristic vector)
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