首页 » Visual Basic » Least-squares-linear


于 2013-10-24 发布 文件大小:625KB
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  可进行最小二乘法线性拟合输出,包含源代码及生成后的程序(Least-squares linear fit can be output)



0 个回复

  • Curve_fitting
    对平面上给定的多点进行多项式曲线的拟合,可设置拟合多项式的次数(Given more points on the plane polynomial curve fitting, you can set the number of polynomial fitting)
    2021-02-14 15:29:49下载
  • shipinfenxi
    frft程序函数,分数阶傅立叶变换,短时傅立叶变换,傅立叶变换(the frft program function, fractional Fourier transform, short-time Fourier transform, Fourier transform)
    2013-05-14 11:42:20下载
  • polynomial_multiplication
    实现多项式相乘求模运算,并且模多项式是可以改变的,方便,简单(To achieve polynomial multiplication modulo operation, and polynomial model can be changed, convenient and simple)
    2010-06-25 21:11:57下载
  • SerieAritmetica
    Una serie aritmetica en visual basic!!
    2011-09-09 06:49:44下载
  • gausszf
    该软件主要应用是采用高斯正反算进行换带计算的。(The software application is used mainly Gaussian with positive and negative exchange balance calculation.)
    2007-09-10 11:12:01下载
  • berth_quay10_8
    用于解决港口优化调度的算例,程序可解,且富有详细说明(The optimal scheduling algorithm used to solve the port, the program is solvable, and rich detailed instructions)
    2020-07-02 20:20:02下载
  • 4zeyunsuan
    复数的四则运算完整版,包括加减乘除,阶乘,开方等。。。(The plural arithmetic full version,, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division factorial, prescribing, etc...)
    2013-10-11 16:41:48下载
  • kemodel
    一个对Fluent中k-e湍流模型的修正udf程序,c语言(One pair ke turbulence model in Fluent udf amendment procedures)
    2021-01-02 15:38:57下载
  • na7
    Orthogonal Polynomials Approximation 数值分析,计算正交基多项式的系数 (Given a function f and a set of m >0 distinct points . You are supposed to write a function to approximate f by an orthogonal polynomial using the exact function values at the given m points with a weight assigned to each point . The total error must be no larger than a given tolerance. Format of function int OPA( double (*f)(double t), int m, double x[], double w[], double c[], double*eps ) where the function pointer double (*f)(double t) defines the function f int m is the number of points double x[] contains points double w[] contains the values of a weight function at the given points x[] double c[] contains the coefficients of the approximation polynomial double*eps is passed into the function as the tolerance for the error, and is supposed to be returned as the value of error. The function OPA is supposed to return the degree of the approximation polynomial. Note: a constant Max_n is defined so that if the total error is still not small enough when n = Ma)
    2011-11-27 11:47:21下载
  • BigNumberPlusMinusMuitiplyDivide
    可以实现十几位整数的四则运算,效率也较好(Four operations can be more than a dozen integer,and the efficiency is better)
    2012-05-10 09:56:55下载
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