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于 2014-11-12 发布 文件大小:450KB
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  数字图像处理有关于图像去雾的新型算法与实现(There are new digital image processing algorithms on the image to go to the fog and Implementation)



0 个回复

  • stereo
    立体视觉代码。主要过程包括:harris角点检测,zncc最优策略匹配,扩散得到更多特征对应,计算disparity和对应颜色值。另外提供了两幅图片以及对应的特征匹配的结果和disparity图像。(Three-dimensional visual codes. The main process includes: harris corner detection, zncc optimal strategy for matching, the proliferation of more features of the corresponding calculation of disparity and the corresponding color value. Also provides a picture and two corresponding feature matching results and disparity images.)
    2020-06-29 14:40:02下载
    OPENCV图像处理模板,有界面编程的,以后运用opencv直接在里面填写代码就可以了(OPENCV image processing template, with interface programming, and after using opencv code directly on the inside can be a complete)
    2010-05-10 16:52:17下载
  • 1197876686767rendertotexture
    这个程序demo了怎样使用glCopyToTexture函数绘制。这个纹理是应用在一个立方体上的。(This app demonstrates how to render to a texture using the glCopyToTexture function. I have used one of my old projects to create a interesting effect (Blending colors). This is rendered to a viewport and then copied to a texture. The texture is then applied to a cube.)
    2009-04-30 10:47:05下载
  • WaterMarker
    一个小巧的图片水印工具,可在图片的指定位置写入文本,文本字体可调(A small picture watermark tool)
    2012-10-10 00:08:12下载
  • 灰度数字增强hudushuzituxiangzengqang
    灰度数字图像增强处理,灰度数字图像增强处理,灰度数字图像增强处理,(Deal with gray-scale digital image enhancement)
    2020-07-09 11:28:55下载
  • Fisheye_calibration
    windows下c++鱼眼校正,debug内exe可直接运行看结果。内附参考文献,更详细文献可见论文《超大广角畸变图像的校正和展开》。(C++ fisheye correction under windows, debug within exe can run directly to see the results. With reference to the literature, more detailed literature can be seen in the paper "super wide-angle distortion image correction and expansion".)
    2017-11-13 16:35:41下载
  • chp8
    第8章 图象的检测及模板匹配 图象的分割与检测(识别)实际上是一项非常困难的工作。很难说清楚为什么图象应该分割成这样而不是那样。(Chapter 8 Detection of image template matching and image segmentation and detection (recognition) is actually a very difficult task. It is hard to say clearly why the image should be divided into such and not as.)
    2008-04-12 19:32:03下载
  • HOG+SVM进行片中行人检测
    说明:  行人检测HOG+SVM进行图片中行人检测,提供训练用的pos和neg样本,效果还可以;没有SVM工具箱的,压缩包里已经提供了,安装一下即可(Pedestrian detection HOG + SVM for pedestrian detection in pictures, providing POS and neg samples for training, the effect is good; without SVM toolbox, the compression package has been provided, just install it.)
    2020-10-30 16:09:56下载
  • cdd
    数字图像处理和图像识别的vc++编程方法(Digital image processing and image recognition of the vc++ Programming)
    2010-10-31 10:54:42下载
  • jibensanweibianhuan
    说明:  可以实现旋转,错切,各种投影图,透视图。是学习三维变换很好的原始参考资料(Can rotate, shear, a variety of projection, perspective. Is to learn the original three-dimensional transform good reference)
    2020-10-24 16:20:00下载
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