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于 2014-11-10 发布 文件大小:244KB
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  综合了matlab和c语言的特点,将其两者综合起来,说明了matlab如何调用C语言。(Combines the features of matlab and c language, which both together, explains matlab how to call the C language.)



0 个回复

  • FirstData_PTS__TA_09152010_Version2010-2
    FirstData visa/mc/amex Specifications for 2010
    2010-11-05 07:03:34下载
  • yuanhuan
    彩色圆环,按顺时针变化,红橙黄绿蓝靛紫红(Color circle, clockwise change, orange yellow purple indigo)
    2011-07-07 09:44:47下载
  • colorbalance
    Matlab色彩均衡程序,实现一种新的色彩白平衡算法。(Matlab color equalization program, to achieve a new color white balance algorithm.)
    2013-02-03 22:00:21下载
  • AESMatlab
    AES加密算法的Matlab仿真及应用,内容比较清晰(AES encryption algorithm of the Matlab simulation and applications, content, clearer)
    2009-11-24 06:20:36下载
  • pashan
    说明:  光伏电池模型 基于温度和光照强度的电池模型 非常好用(pv model)
    2011-03-28 11:05:47下载
  • isodata_matlab
    使用matlab编程对于isodata算法的实现(Using matlab programming algorithm for isodata)
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  • md5
    On Sunday, April 27, 2003, Fresno will celebrate Earth Day in downtown Fresno at Courthouse Park. The event will begin at noon. This year we will include music, speakers, and vendors, plus activities for children. Fresno Earth Day is recognized as the only Earth Day festival that happens in Fresno, and the largest in the Central Valley. The Fresno Earth Day Committee is a small group of environmental activists hoping to broaden the appeal of a better planet and environment. We are a non-profit organization whose fiscal fiduciary is the Fresno Center for Nonviolence.(On Sunday, April 27, 2003, Fresno will celebrate Earth Day in downtown Fresno at Courthouse Park. The event will begin at noon.This year we will include music, speakers, and vendors, plus activities for children.Fresno Earth Day is recognized as the only Earth Day festival that happens in Fresno, and the largest in the Central Valley. The Fresno Earth Day Committee is a small group of environmental activists hoping to broaden the appeal of a better planet and environment. We are a non-profit organization whose fiscal fiduciary is the Fresno Center for Nonviolence.)
    2007-12-11 11:35:03下载
  • TVL1_HCS_v1
    TVL1重建从混合压缩采样,rice大学泊松分布图像重建与全变分正规化的代码(Note: (1)Fore small-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Bernoulli random sampling and low-resolution sampling (TVL1_HCS) (1)Fore large-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Fourier radial sampling and low-frequency sampling (TV_RecPF) Copyright (C) 2010 Xianbiao Shu, Computer Vision and Robotics Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Acknowledgement: RecPF (Rice University) PDCO (Stanford University) Twister (MIT) Reference: X. Shu, N. Ahuja, Hybrid Compressive Sampling via a New Total Variation TVL1, In Proceedings of ECCV 2010. Usage: >> run_me_first >>[Im_rec, PSNR_est1,PSNR_est2] = TVL1L2_HCS_test( Ball1_32.bmp , 0.35,3) >>[Im_rec, PSNR_est1,PSNR_est2] = TVL1L2_HCS_test( Ball1_32.bmp , 0.35,3) >>[Im_rec, PSNR1, PSNR2, G_error, Ratio] = TV_RecPF_test( Chest.png , 5, 10, 0, 1e-10, 0) )
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  • 80211aPmimo
    This file is 802.11a+mimo system based on matlab simulink. Which contains nine mdl files, is what I do MIMO-OFDM find papers are available are welcome to download. This will work in Matlab 2006b.
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