以电动小汽车的轮毂直驱方式为对象,基于永磁同步电机状态空间模型,设计了鲁棒控制 器,应用于电动汽车驱动控制。将基于鲁棒控制设计的系统与基于最优控制的系统进行了比较。 仿真结果表明,采用鲁棒控制的永磁同步电机系统响应速度快,控制性能好,对负载变化和自身参 数扰动具有较好的鲁棒性,能够很好地满足电动汽车的性能要求( Wheel with electric cars targeted direct-drive approach, based on permanent magnet synchronous motor state-space model, a robust control design Device, used in electric vehicle drive control. Robust control design based on a system with optimal control of systems based on a comparison. Simulation results show that the robust control of permanent magnet synchronous motor system response speed, control performance, and their own parameters to load changes Number of disturbances has good robustness to satisfy the performance requirements of electric vehicles Wheel with electric cars targeted direct-drive approach, based on permanent magnet synchronous motor state-space model, a robust control design Device, used in electric vehicle drive control. Robust control design based on a system with optimal control of systems based on a comparison. Simulation results show that the robust control of permanent magnet synchronous motor system response speed, contr)