三维重建是指对三维物体建立适合计算机表示和处理的数学模型,是在计算机环境下对其进行处理、操作和分析其性质的基础,也是在计算机中建立表达客观世界的虚拟现实的关键技术。(Three-dimensional reconstruction refers to the establishment of a mathematical model suitable for computer representation and processing of three-dimensional objects. It is the basis for processing, manipulating and analyzing their properties in the computer environment. It is also the key technology for establishing a virtual reality to express the objective world in the computer.)
三维重建\baifenbi1.m, 1139 , 2015-04-15
三维重建\dian.m, 1472 , 2015-04-15
三维重建\ff.m, 1112 , 2015-04-15
三维重建\pczx.m, 280 , 2015-04-14
三维重建\xueguansanweitu.m, 452 , 2015-04-15
三维重建\zhongzhouxiantouying.m, 702 , 2015-04-15
三维重建\zhuanhua.m, 231 , 2015-04-15
三维重建, 0 , 2015-04-15