Converts a floating point value to IEEE 754 32 bit binary representation. Sign Bit: 1 Exp: 2 to 9 Frac: 10:32 Single-precision floating-point format is a computer number format that occupies 4 bytes (32 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using a floating point. In IEEE 754-2008 the 32-bit base 2 format is officially referred to as binary32. It was called single in IEEE 754-1985. In older computers, other floating-point formats of 4 bytes were used. For example, the 32-bit floating point bit pattern 1 01111101 00101100000000000000000 is interpreted as the following: (− 1)1 × (1 + 0.34375) × 2(125–127) = -1.34375× 2− 2 = -0.3359375