该matlab代码实现了“综合多分支分裂式层次化聚类” (Matlab implementation of Omnibus Multi-Branching Divisive Hierarchical Clustering (OMBDHC) “A competitive omnibus performance criterion for divisive multi-branching hierarchical clustering” by Soeria-Atmadja et al. (submitted). Note that OMB-DHC package is implemented in Matlab code and therefore demands the Matlab core program, as well as the Statistics toolbox of Matlab. Divisive hierarchical clustering (DHC) has emerged as a promising alternative for the identification of sub-structures in multivariate data. Of particular interest is multi-branching DHC, which allows flexible numbers of subclusters at each hierarchical level. One poorly explored issue in multi-branching DHC concerns the actual importance of the two performance criteria (and their associated algorithms) to automatically create clusters and select number of clusters, respectively. Another interesting but hitherto unexplored issue is the possibility to employ a single omnibus performance criterion that guide)