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于 2013-08-23 发布 文件大小:17360KB
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  对于学习信息论的各位朋友们帮助很大,精炼易懂(It is very helpful for those who study information theory,it is Refining and easy to understand. )



0 个回复

  • OUC-Physical-Oceanography-Notes-master
    说明:  中国海洋大学物理海洋学笔记 采用Latex编写(Physical Oceanography Notes Latex)
    2020-12-14 11:21:40下载
  • plcbook5_1
    说明:  这个文档讲述了PLC开发过程的详细情况,是一本国外很经典的参考书籍,对于PLC开发者来说,很不错(This document describes the details of the development process PLC, is a classic reference books abroad, for PLC developers, very good)
    2011-03-21 14:03:41下载
  • 合成孔径雷达成像 算法与实现
    说明:  合成孔径雷达成像 算法与实现书籍,内容详细,充实适用于初学者,有关于RDA成像算法的详细解释(Synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithm and implementation book, detailed content, enrichment, suitable for beginners, There is a detailed explanation of RDA imaging algorithm)
    2020-11-25 10:35:35下载
  • bp
    说明:  神经网络大作业源码及报告 神经网络大作业源码及报告(Neural network source code and report)
    2016-09-16 08:50:26下载
  • lxtest1
    说明:  TDOA通过四站定位,确定三个辅站从而计算出主站坐标(This code discrabes the tdoa about math)
    2020-04-08 19:51:13下载
  • StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS
    初始对准技术是惯性导航系统的关键技术之一,初始对准的快速性和精度直 接关系到捷联惯导系统的性能。论文以罗经对准方法在捷联惯导系统中的应用为 目的,深入地进行了理论、实验和应用研究。 理论上,由捷联式惯导系统误差模型开始,结合罗经对准原理,建立罗经对 准数学模型。在此基础上,设计算法和控制流程,并依据控制理论选择适当的控 制参数。 在理论分析之后,针对可能出现的多种外界条件进行模拟数据仿真实验验证 算法和参数选择的正确性。仿真实验结果表明:在SOOs内系统对准精度达到0.10 并目_适用十高纬度地区。 车载试验数据离线分析,试验中使用GPS测得的速度信息作为外测参考速 度信息,在车辆运动过程中对准系统保持工作状态。将导航解算得到的结果与 GPS测得的信息进行比较分析,导航精度与GPS精度相当,即速度精度0.2m/s 水平位置精度lOmo (StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS)
    2021-03-24 15:59:15下载
  • NLOSidenticationultra-wideband
    NLOS identication in ultra-wideband systems based on received signal statistics
    2010-08-04 10:52:55下载
  • DynamicPowerQualityTestingTechnology
    本文首先介绍了有源电力滤波器的基本结构和工作原理,并对一些常规的谐波电流检测方法的优缺点进行了比较。其次,针对传统的谐波电流检测方法的缺陷,提出将神经网络与基于噪声抵消原理的自适应谐波检测相结合,利用径向基函数运算量小、收敛快、无局部极小值等优点,构造了一种基于径向基函数神经网络的谐波电流检测方法,仿真结果表明该检测方法具有很好的动态响应及畸变电流检测精度。最后,设计了一套实验系统,对本文所采用的系统方案进行了实验验证。仿真表明,本文所采用的有源电力滤波器检测系统方案切实可行,能够较好地实现动态检测谐波和无功功率的目的。 (This paper, firstly, introduces the basic structure and principle of APF, and then makes comparison among some conventional harmonics detections methods. Secondly, contraposes the limitation of the traditional harmonic current detecting method based on neural network, presents the method that combines the neural network and auto adaptive harmonic current detecting method based on the principle of noise each other eliminating.As the characteristics that are small calculative quantity, fast converge, without local minimal point of Redial Basis Function (RBF), this dissertation forms a new harmonic current detecting method based on RBF. The simulation results show that the method has many advantages, such as good dynamic response, high accuracy. At last, A system is designed to verify the proposed APF scheme .The results of simulation show that the proposed APF scheme is practical and can detect harmonics and reactive power effectively. )
    2009-05-03 10:26:45下载
  • LLCFSF2100)
    最近 LCC 谐振变换器备受关注,因为它优于常规串联谐振变换器和并联谐振变换器:在负载和输入变化较大时,频率变化仍很小,且全负载范围内切换可实现零电压转换(ZVS)。本文介绍了LLC型谐振变换器的分析方法,回顾了LLC型谐振变换器的实际设计要素。其中包括设计变压器和选择元器件。采用一设计实例,逐步说明设计流程,有助于工程师更加轻松地设计LLC谐振器。(Recently LCC resonant converter has attracted much attention, because it is better than that of the conventional series resonant converter and parallel resonant converter in the load and input change, frequency change is still very small, and the whole range of the load switch can realize zero voltage switching (ZVS). In this paper, the analysis method of LLC resonant converter is introduced, and the practical design elements of LLC resonant converter are reviewed. Including the design of transformers and components. A design example is used to explain the design process step by step, which is helpful for engineers to design LLC resonators more easily.)
    2017-03-16 18:03:50下载
  • 30个常用python实现
    说明:  30个常用Python程序实现,包括冒泡算法之类(30 commonly used Python programs, including bubbling algorithms and the like)
    2020-10-29 18:49:56下载
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