LSE算法应用,很好用,请使用(LSE algorithm applications, very good use, please use)
- 2008-07-01 19:28:04下载
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说明: 提供了matlab编写元胞自动机的基本思路,并提供相关的实例,为元胞自动的初学者提供了很好的资料(Provides a cellular automaton matlab write the basic ideas, and provide examples of cellular automata the beginner to provide a good information)
- 2011-03-08 10:23:15下载
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利用边缘检测进行图像分割,有图有真相,效果还行(Edge detection, image segmentation)
- 2013-04-16 14:36:10下载
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fhn神经元模型的相图及临界线(运行fhn_separatrix.m就可以了)(draw the phase diagram and separatrix of FHN neuron model (just run the fhn_separatrix.m))
- 2020-12-20 22:49:10下载
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this is MLP neural network code in Matlab for implementing multiplication.
- 2014-12-17 17:55:56下载
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压缩感知中基于m序列的测量矩阵的构成,代码在matlab上进行了仿真,效果好于传统高斯矩阵。代码有详细注释,易懂(This codes described measurement matrix based on m sequences in Compressed sensing. It has good result in matlab environment and the effect is better than the traditional Gaussian matrix. Code has detailed notes, so ti is easy to understand.)
- 2015-03-24 21:39:51下载
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Gabor纹理识别,使用matlab实现Gabor纹理识别(Texture recognization based on Gabor
- 2012-04-10 15:45:28下载
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基于matlab的LMS、LMS牛顿算法。用于实现步长K改变对LMS、NLMS的影响。(LMS、NLMS methods based on Matlab. To test the changes when change the K.)
- 2013-12-28 10:28:48下载
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本程序用于测量增强语音与纯净语音的对数谱距离,用于语音增强。对数谱距离越小,表明增强语音与纯净语音越接近,增强语音质量越好;反之,则增强语音质量越差。(Calculates the average log-spectral distance between CLEAN and NOISY
signals. Frames are 25ms long with 60 percent (15ms) overlap, hamming
windowed. RS is the remove silence option (default: 0) if 1, the program
uses a Voice Activity Detector to find non-speech frames and eliminates
them from calculation of LSD. FS is the sampling frequency (Default
10KHz). )
- 2020-10-08 17:27:36下载
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Sampling theorem. Natural Sampling.
- 2012-04-06 20:46:29下载
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