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于 2013-08-13 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  文章A New Efficient Low-Complexity Scheme for Multi-Source Multi-Relay Cooperative Networks的仿真MATLAB代码,值得拥有。(This paper proposes a new efficient scheme for the combined use of cooperative diversity and multiuser diversity.)



0 个回复

  • communacation
    数字调制系统的仿真,其中包含各种数字调制技术,如QPSK,QASK等(satellist communacation system )
    2010-10-16 00:24:44下载
  • BFSK1
    说明:  对数字信号进行BFSK调制,然后通过高斯白噪声信号后,检测其误码率!(The program s function is to modulate a signal with BFSK,then let the signal go pass a channel of guassian white nosie.At last,The program detects the BER of the signal.)
    2010-04-18 18:04:09下载
  • formants
    formant estimation matlab
    2013-12-19 20:31:26下载
  • xiaobobianhuan-
    用三级小波变换实现的语音信号去噪处理的MATLAB源程序,去噪效果很好(Use level 3 wavelet transform of the realization of the speech signal to deal with the noise MATLAB source, denoising the effect is very good)
    2012-05-13 17:19:26下载
  • Genetic-Algorithm
    遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,它最初由美国Michigan大学J.Holland教授于1975年首先提出来的,并出版了颇有影响的专著《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》,GA这个名称才逐渐为人所知,J.Holland教授所提出的GA通常为简单遗传算法(SGA)。(GA (Genetic Algorithm) is a simulation of Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection and genetic mechanism of biological evolution of the computing model is a natural evolutionary process by simulating the optimal solution search method, which originally developed by the University of Michigan J.Holland Professor in 1975 first proposed and published an influential monograph " Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems" , GA This name was gradually known, J.Holland raised by Professor GA is usually simple genetic algorithm (SGA ).)
    2013-07-21 17:19:22下载
  • cognitivel
    frequency expander. Matlab code for expander.When x is a vector, this function adds L-1 after each element of x. When x is a matrix, each column of it treated as vector and expanded L fold. SQUARE-ROOT RAISED-COSINE PULSE: h=sr_cos_p(N,L,alpha) This function generates a square-root raised-cosine pulse of length N+1. There are L samples per symbol period. alpha is the roll-off factor.
    2015-02-20 16:59:26下载
  • suspensionSimulink
    汽车四分之一悬架模型建模与仿真,simulink(Car Modeling and Simulation fourth suspension)
    2014-01-12 15:26:24下载
  • level
    飞机平飞性能计算,确定飞机的平飞性能,包括平飞最大速度、平飞最小速度。(Calculation of level flight performance of aircraft to determine the level flight performance of aircraft, including the maximum level flight speed, minimum speed level flight.)
    2009-04-15 19:49:11下载
  • sanchongliang
    三冲量控制锅炉水位,三冲量控制锅炉水位三冲量控制锅炉水位(Three-impulse control of boiler water level, the three boilers impulse control impulse control three-level boiler water level)
    2009-05-16 18:11:00下载
    This is matlab simulation source code for ASP digital communication system.
    2011-05-16 10:47:56下载
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