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  中文摘要 正交频分复用( OFDM , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)是当前一种非常热门的通信技术。它即可以被看作是一种 调制技术,也可以被看作是一种复用技术。由于它具有抗多径衰落和频谱 利用率高的特点,因此被广泛应用于高速数字通信领域,比如应用于IEEE 802.11a无线局域网(WLAN)的物理层等等。 我的毕业设计的核心任务是:采用 FPGA 来实现一个基于OFDM 技术 的通信系统中的基带数据处理部分,即调制解调器。其中发射部分的调制 器包括:信道编码(Reed-Solomon 编码),交织,星座映射,FFT和插 入循环前缀等模块。我另外制作了相应的解调器,可以实现上述功能的逆 变换。 另外,我还对OFDM技术, IEEE 802.11a的标准文献,基于Simulink 的 OFDM 模型和仿真,ALTERA 公司的技术和 IP Core 的使用等方面进 行了研究。这些在文章中都有体现。 (Abstract Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM, Orthogonal the Frequency Division, Multiplexing) is a very popular communication technology. It can be seen as a Modulation technique can also be seen as a multiplexing technique. Because of its resistance to multipath fading and spectrum High utilization characteristics, and is widely used in high-speed digital communications, such as used in IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN (WLAN) physical layer. The core mission of my graduation project: FPGA to implement a technology based on OFDM Communication systems in baseband data processing part, ie the modem. These emission part of the modulation Includes: channel coding (Reed-Solomon coding), interleaving, constellation mapping, FFT and interpolation Into the cyclic prefix modules. I also produced a corresponding demodulator can achieve the inverse of the above functions Transformation. In addition, OFDM technology, the IEEE 802.11a standard literature, based on Simulink )





0 个回复

  • LiteratureReview
    Literature Review on Linguistic Fuzzy Neural Models. It can be very useful for Fuzzy Nural network based application.
    2009-10-09 00:15:42下载
  • hppv_p3_t1_hudson
    德国一家公司介绍光伏逆变器低电压穿越的资料,通过实例进行讲解(German company introduced low-voltage across the PV inverter data, to explain by example)
    2011-09-15 09:35:22下载
  • Theoretical-analysis-
    与偏振无关光隔离器的插入损耗和隔离度的理论分析与实验研究(Theoretical analysis and experimental research with polarization-independent optical isolator insertion loss and isolation of)
    2013-12-09 13:37:43下载
  • 云计算核心技术剖析
    我上传了《云计算核心技术剖析》一书的pdf版本,供广大研究云计算方面的朋友参考(I uploaded the PDF version of "Cloud Computing Core Technology Analysis" for the reference of friends who study cloud computing.)
    2018-11-28 16:07:10下载
  • MasterCorbain14days
    CORBA Learn by yourself in 14 days CORBA(通用对象请求代理体系结构)是在当今快速发展的软件与硬件资源的情况下发展出的一种新技术。它可以让分布的应用程序完成通信, CORBA 2.0标准才真正实现了不同生产厂商间的互操作性。 (The CORBA Learn by yourself in 14 days CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a new technology developed in the case of today' s rapid development of software and hardware resources. It allows the distribution of the completion of the application communication CORBA 2.0 standard really achieve interoperability between different manufacturers.)
    2012-10-29 06:00:18下载
  • Technical-Guide120
    areva alstom relay type p120 tecnical documentation
    2011-05-14 15:04:06下载
  • survey
    这个对运动估计的一个综述性论文,IEEE论文,很权威,对于把握图像处理研究。很值得看看(In the motion estimation, a review paper, IEEE papers, very authoritative, for the capture image processing research. It is worth a look)
    2013-07-31 15:34:32下载
    OFDM+CDMA的英文PPT,写的很不错 (OFDM+ CDMA English PPT, written by very good)
    2009-01-12 17:23:04下载
  • handover
    用于无线通信系统越区切换理论的研究,高速铁路环境下越区切换的研究。(Handoff for wireless communication systems theory studies, a high-speed railway environment handoff.)
    2013-03-07 16:23:40下载
  • 1
    说明:  经过二十余年的快速发展, 空间激光通信的研究重心逐渐从高精度ATP分系统向高速 率通信分系统转移 紧密跟踪空间激光通信的国际发展最新动态,从通信带宽和链路功率两个方面, 针对通信发射单元、接收单元和信道特性,分析了提高空间激光通信传输速率的技术难度与途径.分 别阐述了波长1 550 nm、基于EDFA 功放和前放技术,空间相干技术,光偏振复用技术.光波分复用 技术的基本原理、性能指标及关键技术,为高速率空间激光通信提供了技术参考(After more than 20 years the rapid development of space laser communications research center of gravity gradually transferred to the high-speed communication subsystem from the high-precision ATP subsystems closely track the latest developments of the international development of space laser communications, communication bandwidth and link power of two. communications transmitter unit, receiver unit and channel characteristics, technical difficulty and ways to improve the transfer rate of space laser communications. Described wavelength of 550 nm, based on EDFA amplifier and put technology, spatial coherence, optical polarization multiplexing. The basic principles of optical wavelength division multiplexing technology, performance indicators and key technologies, and provide a technical reference for high-rate space laser communications)
    2012-05-31 16:41:40下载
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