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于 2007-03-30 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Least Square - ARMA 算法的MATLAB代码, 是频谱分析(通常是在高级DSP这门课中会用到的)的常用算法(Least Square-ARMA algorithm MATLAB code, Analysis of the spectrum (usually at the senior DSP This class will be used) to the commonly used algorithm)



0 个回复

  • R1-051368
    2010-05-10 17:32:37下载
  • Unscented-Kalman-Filter
    Unscented Kalman filtering techniques for non linear inputs. Very good
    2013-01-14 18:59:26下载
  • Skin
    BRC MATLAB code for BRC.fig BRC, by itself, creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton*. H = BRC returns the handle to a new BRC or the handle to the existing singleton CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in BRC.M with the given input arguments.BRC Property , Value ,...) creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton.Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before BRC_OpeningFcn gets called.An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to BRC_OpeningFcn via varargin.See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one.instance to run (singleton)".Edit the above text to modify the response to help.Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
    2011-08-30 17:22:12下载
  • position5
    关于室内定位的算法,该算法是在MATLAB环境下实现的程序。(Positioning on the interior of the algorithm, which are in the MATLAB environment realize procedure.)
    2009-02-15 13:00:04下载
  • FIRFilter
    通过对语音信号的采集和AD50数模转换实现语音信号的处理,并通过C54试验台可以很好的实现语音再现。FIR数据滤波数据需要通过MATLAB来实现。(Through the acquisition and AD50 voice signal digital-analog conversion of voice signal processing, and through the C54 test bed can be a very good voice reproduction. FIR data filtering data to achieve through MATLAB.)
    2010-05-27 16:22:54下载
  • HSDCTcode
    心音信号的DCT域变换压缩编码,LLoyld最佳量化与霍夫曼编码,利用心电R波进行分帧,在不到1 左右失真度的情况下达到了6.0以上的压缩比(Heart sound signals on DCT transform coding, LLoyld optimal quantization and Huffman coding, the use of ECG R wave sub-frame, less than about 1 in the case of distortion to achieve a compression ratio of more than 6.0)
    2013-07-27 10:20:40下载
  • guodufenge
    该源码是针对一篇避免过度分割提出的一种新的分水岭算法,具体matlab源码,针对各个步骤都给出了具体分析,个人觉得对学习图像分割的有帮助。(The source is to avoid over-segmentation for a proposed a new watershed algorithm matlab source code specific for each step are given a specific analysis, personal feel to learn image segmentation help.)
    2013-08-28 20:02:08下载
  • fisheye180degree
    安装在墙上的鱼眼摄像机纠正算法。根据算法文献编写的源代码。采用经纬拉伸原理对图像进行校正。 附带实验图片,在matlab中打开可以直接运行。( Fisheye cameras mounted on the wall of the correction algorithm. According to the algorithm source code written literature. Using the principle of the warp and weft stretch the image correction. Incidental experimental picture, opens in matlab can run.)
    2014-11-28 13:25:02下载
    快速定点独立分量分析在盲源分离中的应用 FASTICA(FASTICA PCA BSS)
    2012-01-09 14:25:33下载
  • rayleigh-channel-QPSK
    本程序是QPSK信号在瑞利衰落信道下的仿真,已经过本人验证,适合初学者(This procedure is QPSK signal simulation in Rayleigh fading channel, I have been verified, suitable for beginners)
    2013-12-17 16:59:01下载
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