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于 2007-03-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  计算差分盒维数的matlab程序,是根据一篇文章写出来的,我也是下载的,看着不错就穿上来了,但还不知这样求维数对不对?(difference calculation of the box dimension Matlab procedure is based on an article written by, I also downloaded, Seeing good to wear it, but it has not requested such dimension that right?)



0 个回复

  • ICP
    三维图像配准算法(ICP),内含MATLAB文件icp.m。可以实现三维坐标的转换。(icp.m )
    2009-12-15 15:16:56下载
  • superpixelLattice_MATLAB_7_5
    图像网格的计算方法,包括快速算法,优于Normalized算法(Image grid computing, including fast algorithm, Normalized algorithm is superior)
    2011-10-01 14:27:57下载
  • walsh-decoding-with-hamming-distance
    Aim: do walsh coding with hamming distance.To compare WALSH decoding for synchronous CDMA with decoding using hamming distance. a) System should be supplied with correct/ corrupted version (one/ two bit) of transmitted walsh code(s) b) System should also have table for correct codes(walsh codes) c) System should ab able to deocde the same using hamming distance property. d) Copmare resutls for corrupted code(s) to check the efficacy of WALSH decoding technique (as in above experiment) compared to hamming distance decoding.
    2015-03-23 16:46:41下载
  • robust
    2篇基于稀疏表示具有鲁棒性人脸识别算法介绍,pdf格式(2 piece based on sparse representation robust face recognition algorithm is introduced, in PDF format)
    2015-04-09 20:08:13下载
  • MyKmeans
    实现聚类K均值算法: K均值算法:给定类的个数K,将n个对象分到K个类中去,使得类内对象之间的相似性最大,而类之间的相似性最小。 缺点:产生类的大小相差不会很大,对于脏数据很敏感。 改进的算法:k—medoids 方法。这儿选取一个对象叫做mediod来代替上面的中心 的作用,这样的一个medoid就标识了这个类。步骤: 1,任意选取K个对象作为medoids(O1,O2,…Oi…Ok)。 以下是循环的: 2,将余下的对象分到各个类中去(根据与medoid最相近的原则); 3,对于每个类(Oi)中,顺序选取一个Or,计算用Or代替Oi后的消耗—E(Or)。选择E最小的那个Or来代替Oi。这样K个medoids就改变了,下面就再转到2。 4,这样循环直到K个medoids固定下来。 这种算法对于脏数据和异常数据不敏感,但计算量显然要比K均值要大,一般只适合小数据量。(achieving K-mean clustering algorithms : K-means algorithm : given the number of Class K, n will be assigned to target K to 000 category, making target category of the similarity between the largest category of the similarity between the smallest. Disadvantages : class size have no great difference for dirty data is very sensitive. Improved algorithms : k-medoids methods. Here a selection of objects called mediod to replace the center of the above, the logo on a medoid this category. Steps : 1, arbitrary selection of objects as K medoids (O1, O2, Ok ... ... Oi). Following is a cycle : 2, the remaining targets assigned to each category (in accordance with the closest medoid principle); 3, for each category (Oi), the order of selection of a Or, calculated Oi Or replace the consumption-E (Or))
    2005-07-26 01:32:58下载
  • chap_02
    this is chapter 2 this is chapter number 2
    2009-03-27 21:41:34下载
  • Matlabspeechtoolbar
    说明:  语音信号处理工具箱,说明:解压后,然后按照readme文件安装即可。(Speech Signal Processing Toolbox, Note : unpacked, and then follow the readme file can be installed.)
    2006-04-08 10:15:09下载
  • seimic-graph
    产生一个三分量地震图,有助于理解近场和远场的波场形态(Helps to understand the the wavefield morphology of the near-field and far-field to generate a three-component seismograms,)
    2013-03-17 12:48:20下载
  • ant-matlab
    具有新的模拟进化优化方法的有效性和应用价值的一群算法的matlab实现(Matlab implementation of the new analog evolutionary optimization approach the effectiveness and value of a group of algorithms)
    2013-05-17 19:51:10下载
  • 1
    说明:  四旋翼无人机是一种可以被遥控也可以在无人为控制的状态下执行预定任务的飞行器,与传统直升机相比四旋翼飞行器的机械结构简单,且具有高精度,灵活精度以及较低成本的特点,被广泛用于军事侦察,农艺播撒、快递派送、摄影工作等领域。四旋翼飞行器自身具有欠驱动、多变量、非线性等特性,在外界的噪声干扰情况下,增加了四旋翼无人机的不稳定以及控制系统的设计难度。所以对四旋翼飞行器的位姿控制的研究,可以开拓科研人员对控制算法以及滤波算法的认知,具有重要的研究意义。(Four-rotor UAV is a kind of aircraft that can be controlled remotely or perform scheduled tasks without human control. Compared with traditional helicopters, the Four-rotor UAV has simple mechanical structure, high precision, flexible precision and low cost. It is widely used in military reconnaissance, agricultural broadcast, express delivery, photography and other fields. Four-rotor UAV has the characteristics of under-actuation, multi-variable and non-linearity. Under the circumstance of external noise, the instability of Four-rotor UAV and the difficulty of control system design are increased. Therefore, the research on attitude control of Four-rotor aircraft can broaden the knowledge of control algorithm and filtering algorithm for researchers, and has important research significance.)
    2019-05-19 08:35:54下载
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