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于 2011-06-10 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  Program to obtain electrical field value in any point in the space considering electric characteristic of space



0 个回复

  • tvfilter
    Nonlinear Total Variation based noise removal algorithms. Based on: L. Rudin, S. Osher, E. Fatemi
    2010-12-16 20:52:37下载
  • FDTD_2D_FreeBoundary_Unitless
    matlab环境下光波导的二维仿真,能简单地修改波导尺寸和介质常量,,没有单位(unitless simulation with matlab)
    2012-05-29 01:49:18下载
  • Carrierfrequency
    在DAB系统中的频率同步,载频同步,参考一下Carrier frequency offset estimation of DAB receiver based on phase reference symbol(In the DAB system frequency synchronization, carrier frequency synchronization, refer to Carrier frequency offset estimation of DAB receiver based on phase reference symbol)
    2008-03-01 11:15:21下载
  • FIR_high_low_bandpass
    Fir滤波器,能对语音信号进行低通,高通,带通的浮点滤波(Fir filter the speech signal can be low pass, high pass, band pass of the floating point filtering)
    2011-05-30 10:50:25下载
  • KalmanFilterProgram
    卡尔曼滤波程序,卡尔曼滤波在动目标跟踪时的应用,(kalman filtering, target tracking)
    2014-09-21 23:48:24下载
  • mixiangqu
    基于MATLAB/simulink仿真平台的循环流化床锅炉燃烧系统的密相区仿真模型(Based on MATLAB/simulink simulation platform circulating fluidized bed boiler combustion system simulation model of dense phase region)
    2013-10-06 16:01:19下载
  • Quadratic-programming-problem
    二次规划师非线性优化中的一种特殊情形,它的目标函数是二次实函数,约束函数都是线性函数。由于二次规划比较简单,便于求解(仅次于线性规划),并且一些非线性优化问题可以转化为求解一些列的二次规划问题,因此二次规划的求解方法较早引起人们的重视,称为求解非线性优化的一个重要途径。二次规划的算法较多,本文仅介绍求解等式约束凸二尺规划的拉格朗日方法以及求解一般约束凸二次规划的有效集方法。(Quadratic nonlinear optimization planners in a special case, its real objective function is a quadratic function, constraint functions are linear functions. Because of quadratic programming is relatively simple and easy to solve (after linear programming), and some non-linear optimization problem can be transformed into solving quadratic programming problems some columns, solving quadratic programming method therefore attracted attention earlier, saying an important way for solving nonlinear optimization. More quadratic programming algorithm, this paper describes only two feet Solving the Equality Constrained Convex Programming effective Lagrangian method and set method for solving general constrained convex quadratic programming.)
    2015-04-13 21:31:48下载
  • inver
    说明:  基于MATLAB的反问题程序,用于反问题求解。(MATLAB program based on the inverse problem for the inverse problem solution.)
    2011-03-06 10:09:38下载
  • LargeDataSets
    由于飞机设计是一个需要多次反复迭代的重复过程,需要进行大量的计算,因此我们自己编写了一些MATLAB程序。如果您想要查看程序源代码,可以点击下面的链接。 [program_1.m]全机总体参数计算程序 [program_2.m]全机气动曲线计算程序 [program_3.m]机翼载荷分布计算程序 [program_4.m]巡航状态纵向动稳定性计算程序 [program_5.m]横航向稳定性计算程序 [program_6.rar]平飞速度范围计算程序 [program_7.rar]螺旋桨特性计算程序 (The plane design is a requiring multiple iterative repeat process, need to do a lot of calculation, so we can write some MATLAB.)
    2011-05-04 21:53:23下载
  • boxfilter
    matlab implemation of box filter
    2013-04-30 23:58:16下载
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