(ESQmeasure-------------UsageofthePESQobjectivemeasureisasfollows:[pesq_mos]=pesq(cleanfile.wav,enhanced.wav)wherecleanfile.wavcontainsthecleanspeechfileandenhanced.wavcontainstheenhancedfile.-------------------------Loizou,P.(2007)"Speechenhancement:TheoryandPractice",CRCPress.Anyquestions,pleaseemail:loizou@utdallas.edu) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2010-07-02 发布 文件大小:446KB
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  ESQ measure: ------------- Usage of the PESQ objective measure is as follows: [pesq_mos]=pesqESQ measure------------- Usage of the PESQ objective measure is as follows: [pesq_mos]=pesq(cleanfile.wav,enhanced.wav) where cleanfile.wav contains the clean speech file and enhanced.wav contains the enhanced file. ------------------------- Loizou, P. (2007) "Speech enhancement: Theory and Practice", CRC Press. Any questions, please email: loizou@utdallas.edu.(ESQ measure------------- Usage of the PESQ objective measure is as follows: [pesq_mos]=pesq(cleanfile.wav,enhanced.wav) where cleanfile.wav contains the clean speech file and enhanced.wav contains the enhanced file. ------------------------- Loizou, P. (2007) "Speech enhancement: Theory and Practice", CRC Press. Any questions, please email: loizou@utdallas.edu)





0 个回复

  • imcorr
    IMCORR corrects image coordinates, which are contaminated by radial and tangential distortion(IMCORR corrects image coordinates, which are contaminated by radial and tangential distortion)
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  • Burg3
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  • maastpb1_4
    用MATLAB进行算法仿真的工具箱,很有用!建议下载试!!(Matlab Algorithm Avalability Simulation Tool)
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  • rsum02
    这是一个MADLAB的例程,对于数学建模有很大帮助(This is a MADLAB routines are very helpful for mathematical modeling)
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  • IIR
    IIR Filter, hope it is useful
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