首页 » matlab » 适应度函数的算法


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  排课问题是一个有约束的、多目标的组合优化问题,并且已经被证明是一个NP完全问题。 遗传算法借鉴生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制,使用群体搜索技术,尤其是用于处理传统搜索方法难以解决的复杂的和非线性的问题。经过近40年的发展,遗传算法在理论研究和实际应用中取得了巨大的成功,本文将遗传算法用于排课问题的求解,首先讨论了排课问题中的影响因素、主要约束条件、求解目标和难点,并用数学模型完整地描述了排课问题。其次对多个模糊排课目标进行了定量分析,建立了排课优化目标空间。针对排课问题研究了染色体编码方式以及遗传算子的设计,提出了适应度函数的计算方法。最后对排课问题进行了实验。实验结果表明,其过程的目标值跟踪显示,算法稳健趋优,所得结果令人满意。(Course Scheduling problem is a constrained, multi-objective optimization problem, and has proven to be a NP complete problem. Genetic algorithms reference biosphere and the natural genetic mechanism of natural selection, using the group search technology, particularly the traditional search methods for handling complex and difficult to solve nonlinear problems. After nearly 40 years of development, the genetic algorithm in the theoretical study and practical application was a great success, this paper genetic algorithm for solving the course timetabling problem, first discussed the impact of factors in the course arrangement, the main constraints, to solve goals and difficulties, and a complete mathematical model to describe the course arrangement. Arranging multiple fuzzy goals followed by a quantitative analysis, the optimal target Arranging space. Arranging for the Study of the chromosome coding and genetic operators design, proposed fitness function is calculated. Finally, the co)





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  • VCMATLABEngine
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