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于 2013-07-17 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  双链表的定义和插入算法,双链表的定义,删除,插入和查找算法(Doubly linked list of definitions and insertion algorithm, the definition of double-linked list, delete, insert, and search algorithm)



0 个回复

  • SortDemo
    实现排序操作SortDemoSortDemo.rar,很不错的vc源码,希望对大家有所帮助。(To achieve the sorting operation SortDemo SortDemo.rar, very good vc source, we want to help.)
    2011-09-21 22:16:39下载
  • Prim
    编程实现Prim算法,基于最小堆数据结构,生成最小代价生成树。 (其中随机生成点和边,形成连通图) 根据输入的顶点数的不同,分析时间复杂度。(Implement Prim’s algorithms based on min-heap and disjoint set data structure for constructing a minimum cost spanning tree. Generate weighted undirected complete graph for given size n according to the following approach: 1) Randomly generate n points ( ) on a plane 2) Randomly generate k pairs of points as edges of the graph. 3) The weight of an edge of the graph is defined as the the Euclidean distance between two endpoints of the edge. )
    2011-06-11 16:28:53下载
  • labyrinth
    迷宫问题c源代码,大小为8*8的迷宫。主函数中输入开始位置和结束位置的坐标,输出所有可能的路径(Maze c source code, size 8* 8 of the maze. Enter the start the main function of the coordinates of the position and end position, the output of all possible paths)
    2010-12-19 23:31:36下载
  • PolynomialCoeff
    NTL应用——大数系数多项式乘法的计算。从文件读如参数,计算多项式相乘后某项的系数(NTL application- the multiplication of big numbers coefficient polynomial )
    2021-04-11 09:58:58下载
  • 8sort_method
    随机函数产生10000个随机数,用快速排序、直接插入排序、冒泡排序、选择排序的排序方法排序,并统计每一种排序所花费的排序时间和交换次数。其中随机数的个数由用户定义,系统产生随机数。(Random function generates 10,000 random numbers using quick sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, select Sort sort Sort, and statistics for each sort spend the sort of time and the number of exchanges. Wherein the number of the random number defined by the user, the system generates random numbers.)
    2013-02-27 17:27:04下载
  • @163
    数值计算方法中高斯主元素消元法 在vc环境中运行 用于解方程组(Numerical methods in the Gaussian elimination method, the main elements of the environment in vc run for the solution of equations)
    2011-10-19 20:28:39下载
  • duilie
    队列的一般数据结构 队列的创建 删除 修改 取数据等等(The general data structure queue queue to take the data and so create delete modify)
    2010-09-08 14:36:38下载
  • Circlist_Josephus3_4
    循环链表的应用 循环链表的应用 很方便的实现(cycle Chain cyclic chain of convenience Implementation)
    2006-11-23 19:36:47下载
  • yuyundonghui
    参加运动会的 个学校编号为 。比赛分成 个男子项目和 个女子项目,项目编号分别为 和 。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;还有些项目只取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表。 2、要求产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号、名次(成绩)、姓名和得分;产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号、男子团体总分、女子团体总分和团体总分。 3、测试数据:对于 , , ,编号为奇数的项目取前五名,编号为偶数的项目取前三名,设计一组实例数据。 (The school serial number participating in Games is. Competition divides into men s event and women s event , the project serial number parts for the sum. The difference is bigger since every project participates in a number , some projects choose the first five , score order is 7 , 5 , 3 , 2 , 1 Still have some of projects taking the first three places , score only being 5 , 3 , 2 in proper order. Write a form for report counting procedure producing the various school report card and score. 2, demands the school report card producing every school , content includes every achievement project number , position in a name list (achievement) , full name and score per got by school Produce the group total points form for report , content including the school number , male person group total points , woman group total points and group total points. 3, testing data: Be that the odd number project chooses the first five to the serial number, the serial number is that the even number project c)
    2009-04-07 22:40:37下载
  • hash
    使用全排列实现hash,看看吧相信对大家会有些帮助的(Full array hash)
    2011-08-19 21:25:34下载
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