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于 2011-05-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  传统的去噪算法在matlab环境下实现 (Traditional denoising algorithm to achieve the in matlab )



0 个回复

  • work1
    最小二乘递推算法辨识程序, 输入信号为M序列,系统辨识常用的算法(RLS identification process, the input signal for the M series, system identification algorithm used)
    2011-05-20 19:04:14下载
  • Korelasi
    code can used for determining correlation value to analyze rho based on s11, s12, s21, s22.
    2012-05-24 23:45:45下载
  • univ
    make universal codebook for contourlet
    2011-12-15 15:22:06下载
  • fanbeng_v22
    是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真,MinkowskiMethod算法 。( Is a good learning materials to learn PCA feature extraction, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target, MinkowskiMethod algorithm.)
    2016-09-18 14:51:25下载
  • Zfund_tutorial5b
    Matlab tutorial part 5 for beginners
    2011-01-08 01:23:46下载
  • TSP(GA)
    最短路 matlab 以最短行走中国为例 可视化整个过程 遗传算法(TSP GA MATLAB)
    2015-01-27 22:34:05下载
  • Introduction-of-modern-control-tutorial_Matlab_117
    书名:现代控制引论教程 Matlab辅助实验 本教材共9章。第1章介绍了经典控制论的主要内容,这是研究控制论问题时最初引入的理论和方法;第2章是现代控制论采用的状态空间描述,包括连续时间和离散时间空间模型;第3章是系统状态分析;第4章介绍了现代控制论的两个标志性的内容.即系统状态的能控性和能观性,以及能控性和能观性的判定等内容;第5章介绍了系统各种稳定性的概念和判别方法;第6章是在前5章分析的基础上,讨论了系统综合问题,如极点配置、镇定等;第7章介绍了最优控制的基本方法——极小值原理和动态规划法;第8章和第9章分别对控制论的两个分支:随机系统的状态滤波与控制和自适应控制方面等内容作了基本介绍。 (Title: Introduction to modern control experiment textbook tutorial of Matlab including 9 Chapters: Chp1 introduces the main content of classical control theory, cybernetics is the study of this problem first introduced the theory and methods in Chp2 of the modern control theory using state-space description, including the continuous time and discrete time space model Chp3 is the system state analysis Chp4 describes the modern control theory, the two iconic content. The state of the system controllability and observability and controllability and observability of the decision, etc. Chp5 introduces the concept of system stability and discrimination of various methods Chp6 is based on the former 5 chapters and discusses the systems integration issues, such as pole placement, stabilization, etc. Chp7 describes the basic method of optimal control- minimum principle and dynamic programming Chp8 and 9, respectively, on control theory The two branches: the state of stochastic)
    2010-11-08 17:17:46下载
  • tma_ekf
    说明:  扩展卡尔曼滤波算法是目前最常用的非线性滤波算法之一,其核心思想就是将非线性模型线性化后,然后采用标准的卡尔曼滤波算法进行迭代滤波,这是一种最基本的解决非线性滤波问题的方法,目前在目标跟踪领域得到了广泛的运用。(Extended Kalman filter is the most commonly used one of nonlinear filtering algorithm, the core idea is that the nonlinear model is linearized, and then apply the standard Kalman filtering algorithm to filter, which is one of the most solve the basic problem of nonlinear filtering methods, the current target tracking has been widely used.)
    2011-03-19 11:57:01下载
  • Digital-Filters-with-MATLAB
    讲matlab语言设计数字滤波器的一本好书,很细很全(a book on digital filter design with matlab language )
    2011-12-08 15:47:54下载
  • rls
    rls实现在matlab中实现自适应噪声处理算法(RLS matlab realize, adaptive noise can sound processing)
    2015-04-19 14:59:02下载
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