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于 2010-05-30 发布 文件大小:17KB
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0 个回复

  • matlab
    matlab的等温线绘制。利用插值等 知识实现绘制给定数据的等温线绘制(matlab temperature line)
    2010-11-21 16:51:20下载
  • QPSK
    This is about QPSK modulation in simulink.
    2009-06-04 17:48:48下载
    关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!(Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant researcheswas r outing p r ot ocol in wireless sens or net works . Based on the design idea of the LEACH routing p r ot ocol for the wireless sens or net work, taking the net work communicati on capacity t o be increased and the re2 dundant data trans missi on t o be reduced as the target, according t o the available LEACH i mp r oved calculati on method, an i mp roved layer r outing p rot ocol algorithm was p rovided . With the introducti on of the forced cluster head and according t o the data relativity of the monit o2 ring and measuring variati on for the unit p itch pointswithin the continued ti me, the redundant data transmissi on quantitywas reduced . A comparison si mulati on on the net work existing ti me of the i mp roved algorithm for the t wo LEACH p rot ocolswas conduced . The)
    2010-05-19 10:59:26下载
  • MDP
    机器学习 马可夫决策 策略迭代 MATLAB代码(MDP policy iteration)
    2020-06-15 22:55:01下载
  • test_shengyinshibie2_thatisOK
    基于matlab的类似于iphone上tom猫(Based on the MATLAB is similar to iPhone tom cat )
    2012-04-26 13:25:54下载
  • Eigenvalue
    特征值分析,便于模态分析电网稳定态态势分析和薄弱环节识别(Eigenvalue analysis, to facilitate modal analysis grid steady state trend analysis and identification of weak links)
    2013-02-02 23:41:29下载
  • New-Iterative-Method(DIY)
    说明:  可实现,实用,迭代法(新创新),基于改进的迭代法图像分割算法(源码), 核心思想:先添加高斯噪声,然后新迭代分割算法,最后显示自动计算的阈值。 (Can realize, practical, the iterative method (new innovation), the iterative method based on improved image segmentation algorithm (source), core ideas: first add gaussian noise, then new iteration segmentation algorithmFinally,finally shows the threshold automatic calculation. )
    2011-04-06 21:33:49下载
  • med
    最小熵解卷积(MED),是一种自适应滤波器设计方法,可以提取冲击成分(Minimum entropy deconvolution (MED), is an adaptive filter design method that can extract the impact of component)
    2013-10-09 15:53:16下载
  • guoluranshaoPID
    锅炉燃烧过程MATLAB仿真程序,很简单很容易(MATLAB simulation program the boiler combustion process is very simple and very easy)
    2010-05-13 20:05:02下载
  • sadcommandevestoriellemsap2
    Commande vectoriel par mode glissant de la MSAP
    2012-04-08 02:07:15下载
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