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于 2006-06-20 发布 文件大小:28KB
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  M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is configured and the I and Q symbols modulate these carriers. The I and Q carriers are combined and time and frequency domain plots are provided showing key waveforms at various positions in the QPSK transmitter. (M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter b y modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A s erial to parallel conversion of the pseudo rand om bit stream is performed with mapping of two bi ts per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is CBMs gured and the I and Q symbols Modulate these CARR IERS. The I and Q carriers are combined and a time nd frequency domain plots are provided showing key waveforms at various positions in the QPSK t ransmitter.)



0 个回复

  • Kalman_Fliter_1960
    本文来自卡尔曼发表的一篇论文,分析维纳滤波不足的基础上,发表的最优估计算法(This article from the Kalman published a paper, analysis based on the lack of Wiener filtering, published in the optimal estimation algorithm)
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