首页 » matlab » Kalman_Fliter_1960


于 2010-03-07 发布 文件大小:157KB
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  本文来自卡尔曼发表的一篇论文,分析维纳滤波不足的基础上,发表的最优估计算法(This article from the Kalman published a paper, analysis based on the lack of Wiener filtering, published in the optimal estimation algorithm)



0 个回复

  • codes
    分数阶系统的计算工具,解决一般解及动力学行为的问题(tools for solving fractional-order systems)
    2010-09-27 16:21:55下载
  • 111222333
    这是本人搜集的一本关于协作分集的书籍,希望对大家有用(This is the one I collect books on cooperative diversity, and hope to be useful)
    2012-10-25 21:20:58下载
  • Graph_matlab
    《图论算法及其matlab实现》的部分原始m文件,免去了自行键入的烦恼,很便捷(" Graph Theory Algorithm and Its Implementation matlab" m part of the original document, which eliminates the trouble of their own type, it is convenient)
    2010-05-22 17:29:14下载
  • PART2(Load-Flow)
    This file is GUI in MATLAB that use for load flow in the network.
    2013-09-20 20:36:12下载
  • RasterizerSpan
    ClassPoolFiller extends SimplifiedVisitor implements ClassVisitor.
    2014-01-08 10:31:04下载
  • psk
    psk modulation is done using simulink model in this document. hope u get knowledge
    2013-02-05 12:19:07下载
  • Mult_matriz
    this code on C ANSI develop the product between matrix A*A, A*B, B*A.
    2015-03-30 02:35:26下载
  • jiexiangguan_LMS_multi_input
    基于LMS算法对相关信号的波达角方向估计,基于32单元线阵(LMS algorithm based on the relevant signals in the direction of arrival angle estimation, based on the 32-cell linear array)
    2009-07-10 11:25:47下载
    MATLAB和Mathematica、Maple并称为三大数学软件。它在数学类科技应用软件中在数值计算方面首屈一指。MATLAB可以进行矩阵运算、绘制函数和数据、实现算法、创建用户界面、连接其他编程语言的程序等,主要应用于工程计算、控制设计、信号处理与通讯、图像处理、信号检测、金融建模设计与分析等领域。 MATLAB的基本数据单位是矩阵,它的指令表达式与数学、工程中常用的形式十分相似,故用MATLAB来解算问题要比用C,FORTRAN等语言完成相同的事情简捷得多,并且MATLAB也吸收了像Maple等软件的优点,使MATLAB成为一个强大的数学软件。在新的版本中也加入了对C,FORTRAN,C++,JAVA的支持。可以直接调用,用户也可以将自己编写的实用程序导入到MATLAB函数库中方便自己以后调用,此外许多的MATLAB爱好者都编写了一些经典的程序,用户可以直接进行下载就可以用。(MATLAB and Mathematica, Maple and called the three mathematical software. It is during a math class technology application software in the numerical calculations to none. MATLAB matrix operations can be performed, mapping functions and data, algorithm, creating the user interface, connect to other programming languages ​ ​ procedures, mainly used in engineering calculations, control design, signal processing and communications, image processing, signal detection, financial modeling design and analysis and other fields. MATLAB basic unit of data is a matrix, its instruction expression and mathematics, engineering, commonly used forms are very similar, so use MATLAB to solving the problem than with C, FORTRAN and other languages ​ ​ accomplish the same thing more simple, and also MATLAB absorb the advantages of software such as Maple, so MATLAB become a powerful mathematical software. In the new version also adds support for C, FORTRAN, C++, JAVA support. Can be calle)
    2013-09-13 17:29:07下载
  • XinGeyuZeye
    男女心理因素与择业选择仿真 将数学于心理学相结合,以著名的卡特尔16种性格因素为背景,对数十名男女生的性格因素为基础应用层次分析法得出男女生对不同职业的适合程度。(psychological factors and men and women choose careers in the mathematical simulation to combine psychology, the cartel is famous for the 16 personality factors as the background, dozens of boys and girls in the character-based applications factors AHP boys and girls come to different occupations suitability.)
    2006-06-09 01:08:33下载
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