信号经过两个独立的信道传输,两个信道的信道复增益分别为 和 。 是独立同分布的复高斯随机变量,实部虚部独立、均值为0,实部虚部的方差都是1。采用某分集技术后输出的信噪比为 ,其中 是常数, 是在 之间均匀分布的随机变量。请就不同的 、 ,用仿真的方法画出 的累积分布函数。(signal after two independent Channel Tunnel, Channel 2 Channel Minute respectively, and gain. Independence is the same complex Gaussian distribution of random variables, is the imaginary part of the Department of independence, mean 0 and the real part of the imaginary part is a variance. Using a diversity of the output signal-to-noise, which is constant, is the uniform distribution between random variables. Please different, and simulation methods paint the cumulative distribution function.)