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于 2011-04-06 发布 文件大小:5229KB
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说明:  MATLAB的经典书籍,moler编写的MATLAB和实验应用(MATLAB' s classic books, moler applications written in MATLAB and experimental)



0 个回复

  • 多载荷多工况的结构拓扑优化代码
    说明:  多载荷多工况的结构拓扑优化代码,matlab实现(Structural Topology Optimization Code for Multi-load and Multi-working Conditions)
    2018-12-28 10:08:57下载
  • KalmanFilter
    简单清淅的介绍了卡尔曼滤波的应用和基本源码,对初学者有很好的帮助。(Simple clearer introduces the application of kalman filtering and basic source, good for beginners.)
    2010-10-28 18:23:24下载
  • turbo_pompa_a_ossigeno_liquido_per_vulcain_24
    Turbo Pump - TP The technology of cryogenic liquid is extremely delicate because of low operating temperature (90 K for liquid oxygen and 20 K for hydrogen) and also for their particular chemical and physical properties.
    2013-11-11 04:45:00下载
  • xunhuanzhouqijiance
    用周期循环检测算法检测: 首先运行a.m程序,通过此程序运算得出循环频率a值; 再运行zhouqi.m程序,对a值进行确定,通过周期循环算法对信号进行检测; (With cycle detection algorithm to detect: First run am program, through this program computing a value obtained cyclic frequency zhouqi.m then run the program, for a value determined by the cycle algorithm of signal detection )
    2013-07-11 10:11:42下载
  • pv_3xiang_pqcontrol
    三相电逆变器及并网发电方法的控制模型仿真(Three-phase power inverter and the grid method of the control model simulation)
    2011-09-25 23:43:42下载
  • example2
    利用遗传算法求f(x,y)=x*cos(2*pi*y)+y*sin(2*pi*x),-2<=x<=2,-2<=y<=2的最大值(Using genetic algorithms for f (x, y) = x* cos (2* pi* y)+ y* sin (2* pi* x),- 2 <= x <= 2,-2 <= y <= 2 the maximum)
    2014-10-01 09:22:24下载
  • [MATLAB]dssmcm2010
    2010年东北三省数学建模竞赛A题企业生产销售方案制定的遗传算法实现代码。(Northeasten Union MCM 2010 Problem A)
    2010-08-14 16:48:37下载
    书 名:MATLAB 基础及其应用教程 著作责任者:周开利邓春晖 主编 策 划 编 辑:徐凡 责 任 编 辑:孙哲伟 标 准 书 号:ISBN 978-7-301-11442-1/TP·0892 出版 者:北京大学出版社 地      (Title: MATLAB and its application tutorial book those responsible for: Planning Zhou Kaili SECOND NORTHWEST editor Editor: Xu Fan Editor: Sun Zhewei ISBN: ISBN 978-7-301-11442-1/TP · 0892 Publisher: Peking University Press to)
    2011-01-05 20:42:55下载
  • 用BP神经网络解决分类问题的MATLAB实现
    说明:  BP神经网络进行数据分类,是一种多层前馈神经网络,该网络的主要特点是信号前向传递,误差反向传播。运用梯度下降法,(BP neural network is a multi-layer feedforward neural network for data classification. Its main characteristics are forward signal transmission and back error propagation. Using gradient descent method and BP neural network to classify data is a multi-layer feedforward neural network. The main characteristics of this network are forward signal transmission and back error propagation. Using gradient descent method,)
    2019-04-08 11:01:56下载
  • simulinkvisuableandexamples
    这是一个关于simulink入门的一个可视化的教学软件,并包含有一些例子(This is an on simulink to get into a visual teaching software, and includes some examples)
    2009-11-05 13:51:13下载
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