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于 2011-03-30 发布 文件大小:4KB
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说明:  本文件是实现Harris检点检测的程序源代码,可以作为毕业论文的程序源代码(Harris behave in this document is to achieve detection of program source code, source code as a thesis)



0 个回复

  • 258mimo_ofdm
    信道建模的大牛Laurent Schumacher的MIMO信道MATLAB仿真程序的使用方法说明文件(PDF格式),完整的图像显示和分析,对MIMO研究工作很有帮助。(The result is an IS-95CDMA forward link software simulation package ,which mimics real-time data communication from a basestation to a cellular unit)
    2009-05-11 01:20:54下载
  • Software-Testing
    随着计算机技术的迅速发展和越来越广泛深入地应用于国民经济和社会生活的各个方面,随着 软件系统的规模和复杂性与日俱增,软件的生产成本和软件中存在的缺陷和故障造成的各类损失也 大大增加,甚至会带来灾难性的后果。软件质量问题已成为所有使用软件和开发软件的人关注的焦 点。由于软件是人脑的高度智力化的体现和产品这一特殊性,不同于其他科技和生产领域,因此软件与生俱来就有可能存在着缺陷。(With the rapid development of computer technology and the more extensively used in the national economy and social life in all its aspects, with the growing size and complexity of software systems, software production costs and software defects and faults caused various types of losses also increased significantly, even catastrophic consequences. Software quality has become the focus of all those who use the software and software development concern. Because the software is highly intellectual expression and product of the special nature of the human brain, unlike other areas of technology and production, so the software may be born with a defect exists.)
    2013-12-04 22:25:34下载
  • li1
    请用多层感知器(MLP)神经网络误差反向传播(BP)算法实现异或问题(输入为,要求可以判别输出为0或1),并画出学习曲线。其中,非线性函数采用S型Logistic函数。(Please use the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) back propagation neural network (BP) algorithm XOR problem (input is required to determine the output is 0 or 1), and draw the learning curve. Among them, the non-linear function using S-type Logistic functions. )
    2014-09-21 15:28:12下载
  • MyRearch
    包含matlab及C++对图像的基本操作,如:边缘提取,配准等等(Contains matlab and C++ the basic operation of the image, such as: edge detection, registration, etc.)
    2012-04-16 19:39:18下载
  • new--2
    维诺图 分治法 特别的实现方法 速度为n的平方及(Voronoi )
    2014-12-03 16:06:10下载
  • matlab
    这个同样是利用matlab编程,结合matlab遗传算法工具箱来实现遗传算法的功能(Matlab this is to use the same programming, combined with genetic algorithm matlab genetic algorithm toolbox to achieve the function of)
    2009-04-11 15:43:00下载
  • FAP-Turbo-v5.2-with-setting
    robot forex fab turbo . good trading option
    2015-05-31 20:48:18下载
  • WM_CHARmessageanalysis
    这是对WM_CHAR消息分析的程序,希望对大家有帮助(This is a WM_CHAR news analysis program, and they hope to have everyone help)
    2007-10-23 14:56:00下载
  • example2
    CDMA 语音编码,在MATLAB环境下可直接运行(CDMA speech coding)
    2009-05-17 17:19:40下载
  • fd1d_1.2
    一维情况下用FDTD方法模拟电磁波的传播情况,加了吸收边界条件,用C和MATLAB混合编程,信号源是高斯脉冲(One-Dimensional FDTD simulation with the propagation of electromagnetic waves, plus the absorbing boundary condition, mixed with the C and MATLAB programming, the signal source is a Gaussian pulse)
    2011-05-14 10:20:55下载
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