darkeden 6.67 ver exe file!!
- 2014-01-15 15:20:52下载
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汽车动力学中汽车四分之一和二分之一MATLAB模型,还有路面谱模型,可以直接运行,效果良好(Vehicle dynamics in a quarter and half car MATLAB model, as well as road spectrum model, you can run directly to good effect)
- 2020-07-03 03:00:02下载
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卡尔曼滤波简介及其算法实现代码C++_C_MATLAB(kalman flitering)
- 2012-05-24 16:02:07下载
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灰色预测是一种对含有不确定因素的系统进行预测的方法。灰色预测通过鉴别系统因素之间发展趋势的相异程度,即进行关联分析,并对原始数据进行生成处理来寻找系统变动的规律,生成有较强规律性的数据序列,然后建立相应的微分方程模型。(Dissimilarity trends, namely, correlation analysis, and generate raw data processing system to find the law changes, generate a strong regularity of the data sequence, then the corresponding differential equation model.)
- 2014-11-27 13:01:46下载
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matlab 对于块全搜索运动估计 源代码 视频压缩技术h.264(matlab block full search motion estimation for the source code h.264 video compression technology)
- 2013-12-10 17:29:33下载
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《實戰C++ — 八個別具特色的實作經驗》與目前市面㆖ 眾多C++ 書籍的最大不同,在於
本書既非基礎觀念之教㈻ 書籍,亦非開發工具之使用手冊,而是以「㆒ 章㆒ 專案」的方式,
本書是《The Art of C++》的㆗ 文譯本。原作者Herbert Schildt 是㆒ 位㈻ ㈲ 專精、著作等身的
IT 技術作家,其作品普遍獲得良好評價。(err)
- 2007-11-22 15:39:38下载
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- 2013-11-28 23:41:19下载
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共面波导馈电的超宽带天线研究_有效解决天线问题(Ultra-Wideband Antenna coplanar waveguide fed _ effectively solve antenna problems)
- 2015-03-30 10:23:20下载
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random library by mustiere
- 2010-12-22 15:14:06下载
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An electric meters are used everywhere to calculate the consumption of power. Wireless meter reading technology can save human resources and another feature of this kind of meter is, it improve the accuracy since it works on real time application, enabling management sector to access to data messages within a short period of time and accurately. Due to its wireless communication network, it just not save human and material resources but this property leads to most economical meter in terms of investment. In this paper, power consumed by the consumer is monitored by base stations through wireless network. It aims to reduce the man power for billing since the meter reading is transmitted through ZigBee and at base stations we calculate bill, save records of consumers. The most important part of this project is that we can monitor any fault in meter as well as any tempering which is used to steal the electricity.
- 2014-10-27 16:20:53下载
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