MS的kinec SDK和OpenNI都提供了人体骨骼跟踪的算法,人体骨骼跟踪算法在kinect人体行为识别中非常重要,该识别过程通常被用来作为行为识别的第一步,比如说,通过定位人体中的骨骼支架,可以提取出人手的部位,从而可以把手的部分单独拿出来分析,这样就达到了手势的定位,而后面的手势识别则可以在刚刚定位出的领域进行处理。总而言之,一套有效的人体骨架追踪算法在kinect的一系列应用中非常有用,不过MS SDK和OpenNI虽然都提供了该算法类的直调用,但是其源码并没有开放,毕竟这是人家最核心的东东。
开发环境:QtCreator2.5.1+OpenNI1.5.4.0+Qt4.8.2(MS kinec SDK and OpenNI provides a human skeleton tracking algorithm, the human skeleton tracking algorithm in recognition kinect human behavior, is very important, the identification process is usually used as the first step in behavior recognition, for example, by positioning the body The skeletal stent, can extract a portion of manpower, which can grip a portion separate out to be analyzed, so that to achieve the positioning of a gesture, and the back of the gesture recognition processing can just locate the areas. All in all, a human skeleton tracking algorithm in the kinect range of applications useful, but MS SDK and OpenNI provides direct invocation of the algorithm class, but its source is not open, and this is, after all, the people most core stuff. Development Environment: QtCreator2.5.1+OpenNI1.5.4.0+Qt4.8.2)