▍1. DialogFX-master
java 弹出框 例子,可以直接引用使用(web frame source,easy to study and easy to use in your project)
java 弹出框 例子,可以直接引用使用(web frame source,easy to study and easy to use in your project)
说明: java 弹出框 例子,可以直接引用使用(web frame source,easy to study and easy to use in your project)
基础练习,这是Java入门课程的基础练习。包括了许多的知识点(Basic exercises, which are the basic exercises of the Java introductory course. It includes many knowledge points.)
说明: 基础练习,这是Java入门课程的基础练习。包括了许多的知识点(Basic exercises, which are the basic exercises of the Java introductory course. It includes many knowledge points.)
android开发环境安装手册,详细介绍了android项目开发前的环境搭建和安装流程。(Android development environment installation manual, detailed introduction of android project development environment construction and installation process.)
说明: android开发环境安装手册,详细介绍了android项目开发前的环境搭建和安装流程。(Android development environment installation manual, detailed introduction of android project development environment construction and installation process.)
一个关于提高代码写作水平的文章,值得一看(An article on improving code writing is worth reading.)
实现java的join方法,对java的高级编程进行了解(Realize the join method of Java and understand the advanced programming of Java)
初学java可能会遇到许多的问题,因此本作者准备了一百道适用于Java开发语言初学者的例题,希望能够给予帮助(There may be many problems in learning java at first, so the author has prepared a hundred examples for beginners of Java development language, hoping to help them.)
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a tool for io, and may help to progtam.
功能性需求:游戏状态的控制功能、游戏难度的调整、游戏界面的绘画、还价游戏控制功能(Functional Requirements: Control Function of Game State, Adjustment of Game Difficulty, Drawing of Game Interface, Control Function of Bargaining Game)
LIRE Releases Note that the releases indicate milestones, which we consider stable and usable. However, we recommend to use the current SVN version as it contains important tweaks, features and bug fixes.
介绍java虚拟机内存回收机制,类加载机制,及一些分析工具的使用(Introduce the running mechanism of Java virtual machine)
建构一个类,在类中new一个StringBuffer变量,以程式令其内含值成为A26B25C24D23......Z1(Construct a class, in which a new StringBuffer variable has been programmed to have an intrinsic value of A26B25C24D23....Z1)
java进程调度(优先级)进程调度算法:采用最高优先数优先的调度算法(即把处理机分配给优先数最高的进程)和先来先服务算法。每个进程有一个进程控制块( PCB)表示。进程控制块可以包含如下信息:进程名、优先数、到达时间、需要运行时间、已用CPU时间、进程状态等等。 进程的优先数及需要的运行时间可以事先人为地指定(也可以由随机数产生)。进程的到达时间为进程输入的时间。进程的运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。每个进程的状态可以是就绪 W(Wait)、运行R(Run)、或完成F(Finish)三种状态之一。就绪进程获得 CPU后都只能运行一个时间片。用已占用CPU时间加1来表示。如果运行一个时间片后,进程的已占用 CPU时间已达到所需要的运行时间,则撤消该进程,如果运行一个时间片后进程的已占用CPU时间还未达所需要的运行时间,也就是进程还需要继续运行,此时应将进程的优先数减1(即降低一级),然后把它插入就绪队列等待CPU。每进行一次调度程序都打印一次运行进程、就绪队列、以及各个进程的 PCB,以便进行检查。 (Java process scheduling)
Myeclipse 10.6激活补丁,亲测可用,附带用法(Myeclipse 10.6 activation patch, pro - test available, with usage)
要紧随时代的脚步,学习flink,大数据时代的到来flink会越来越火(we will study flink)
Java设计的一个虚拟的图书管理系统,实现对图书的借阅,归还。(Java design of a virtual library management system, to borrow books, return.)