▍1. 编译并运行代码,需要安装微软# 39;的DirectX,Windows 2000和..
编译和运行程序代码需要安装微软DirectX的Windows 2000以上的版本和VC 6.0环境。源代码下面有graphview和xvidxqp-beta3两个目录,前者为编译后者所需的库文件的源文件。该系统用来分析编码Xvid AVI文件中每帧的量化值。-compile and run code need to install Microsoft"s DirectX, Windows 2000 and above the 6.0 version and the VC environment. Here are a source graphview and xvidxqp- beta3 two catalogs, the latter for the former compile the necessary documents for the source document. The coding system used to analyze Xvid AVI file every frame of quantitative values.