▍1. 点线矛盾检查
检查等高线点线矛盾工具,检查等高线节点与高程点是否矛盾(Check contour line point contradiction tool)
检查等高线点线矛盾工具,检查等高线节点与高程点是否矛盾(Check contour line point contradiction tool)
实现大量数据,选择多项式模型进行曲线拟合,获取数据输入输出见的非线性关系(curve_ matching)
实现大量数据,选择多项式模型进行曲线拟合,获取数据输入输出见的非线性关系(curve_ matching)
贝塞尔曲线绘制源码,例程程序调用API函数PolyBezier根据坐标点画贝塞尔曲线,或根据贝塞尔曲线特点在画板上画直线连接各坐标点。(Bezier curve drawing source , routine program calls API function PolyBezier Bezier curve based on the coordinates stippling , or draw a straight line on the drawing board in accordance with the characteristics of the Bezier curve connecting the coordinate points .)
CAD批量打印源码程序,例程结合易语言应用接口支持库、拖放支持库、扩展功能支持库,创建Autocad.Application对象,实现CAD对象的属性、方法,可以批量打印。(CAD batch printing source programs, routines combined with easy language support library application interface , drag and drop support libraries , extensions support library , create Autocad.Application object implementing the CAD object s properties , methods, you can batch print .)
读取DWG预览图源码,程序根据CAD图形文件DWG图的结构,对图形字节集进行分析读取。(Read DWG preview source program according to the structure diagram CAD DWG drawing file , byte graphic sets for analysis read.)
CAD批量打印源码程序,例程结合易语言应用接口支持库、拖放支持库、扩展功能支持库,创建Autocad.Application对象,实现CAD对象的属性、方法,可以批量打印。(CAD batch printing source programs, routines combined with easy language support library application interface , drag and drop support libraries , extensions support library , create Autocad.Application object implementing the CAD object s properties , methods, you can batch print .)
CAD批量打印源码程序,例程结合易语言应用接口支持库、拖放支持库、扩展功能支持库,创建Autocad.Application对象,实现CAD对象的属性、方法,可以批量打印。(CAD batch printing source programs, routines combined with easy language support library application interface , drag and drop support libraries , extensions support library , create Autocad.Application object implementing the CAD object s properties , methods, you can batch print .)
说明: 畫一多角形 三角形 四角形 五角形 和移動等功能(Draw a polygon triangle square pentagon and mobile features)
畫一多角形 三角形 四角形 五角形 和移動等功能(Draw a polygon triangle square pentagon and mobile features)
This is a clock circuit which is my homework. It made in Eagle CAD program.