移动: W: 上, D: 前, A: 后, S:下
攻击: J: 轻拳, K: 重拳, U: 轻腿, I: 重腿
特殊技能: 下→前→拳: 波动拳, 下→后→腿:旋风腿, 前→下→前→拳:升龙拳
移动: ↑: 上, ←: 前, →: 后, ↓:下
攻击: 1: 轻拳, 2: 重拳, 4: 轻腿, 5: 重腿
特殊技能: 下→前→拳: 波动拳, 下→后→腿:旋风腿, 前→下→前→拳:升龙拳
按F2暂停游戏, 1键大战电脑ai, 2键双人对打.(This is a HTML5 implementation of the street overlord game source code, the game can manipulate the characters of the skills, and can achieve war computer or two pairs of war, the game is also accompanied by background music effect. In addition, this game source code open, is the research and learning HTML5 game production excellent reference!)