▍1. finguess
VB编写的图形界面的猜拳小游戏,供初学者参考。(Program for "finger guess game", by Visual Basic.)
VB编写的图形界面的猜拳小游戏,供初学者参考。(Program for "finger guess game", by Visual Basic.)
VB反应能力测试小游戏,打地鼠源代码.有需要的下.(VB reaction capability test game, play hamster source code are in need.)
VB反应能力测试小游戏,打地鼠源代码.有需要的下.(VB reaction capability test game, play hamster source code are in need.)
VB简单弹球游戏源代码,有需要的就下载吧,很好的参考。(VB simple pinball game source code, there is need to download it, very good reference.)
VB简单弹球游戏源代码,有需要的就下载吧,很好的参考。(VB simple pinball game source code, there is need to download it, very good reference.)
VB语言写的扑克牌电脑魔术——读懂你的心源代码.(VB language to write the poker magic computer- read your source code.)
VB语言写的扑克牌电脑魔术——读懂你的心源代码.(VB language to write the poker magic computer- read your source code.)
VB语言写的台湾玩法的扑克牌游戏源代码。(Taiwan VB language play poker game source code.)
网络版的VB五子棋,CS结构,含游戏大厅.(Online version of the VB backgammon, CS structures, including the game lobby.)
vb.net实现的打砖块小游戏的基本操作和功能(basic operations and functions of vb.net achieve Arkanoid game)
五子棋人机对战,离线存档,可以悔棋,切换先手(Backgammon machine war, offline archive can undo switch the upper hand)
游戏-贪吃蛇vb2008 visual basic 2008(games-greedy snake)
扫雷游戏的源代码,扫雷游戏是经典的益智类游戏,源代码简明易懂。(A game of Mine clearance procedures.)
Para poder editar solapaes en en el .xml de tantra online.
vb写的扫雷外挂源码,学习内存操作的朋友不妨可以看看呵呵(vb wrote mine external source, a friend may wish to study memory operations can see Oh)
VB模拟小球碰撞,随机产生不同质量大小的小球,可以改变初始速度和动能损失率,适合初学者(VB simulation of small ball collision, randomly generated different quality size ball, can change the initial velocity and kinetic energy loss rate, suitable for beginners)
This is Source Code of Tools to Comparing Correct OJN Files with Damaged OJN Files with OJNList Files, that files is used by O2Jam
非常非常具有可玩性、功能界面都无话说的VB扫雷游戏(Very very playable, functional interfaces are no words of mine VB game)
一个好玩的连连看游戏,用Visual Basic 语言开发,我只完成了基本代码,请多多指教。(Lianliankan a fun game, developed in Visual Basic language, I only completed the basic code, exhibitions.)
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