▍1. ALIENTEK MINISTM32 实验41 LCD贪吃蛇游戏
基于stm32mini的实现触摸屏的贪吃蛇(The realization of a greedy snake with a touch screen based on stm32mini)
基于stm32mini的实现触摸屏的贪吃蛇(The realization of a greedy snake with a touch screen based on stm32mini)
gobang五子棋,实现可视化和双人对战 ,另外人机对战还待完善(Gobang, to achieve visualization and double battle, and the man-machine battle is yet to be improved.)
一款适合休闲娱乐的小游戏,此款棋盘设计较正规,很适合打发时间(A game of Gobang for leisure and entertainment)
完美世界gs配置与作用示范,关键位置已经做好了备注。(Perfect world GS configuration and role)
《Learn Pixi.js》,利用javascript和2D渲染库学习简单的游戏编程,Rex van 编著。(Learn Pixi.js uses JavaScript and 2D rendering libraries to learn simple game programming, write by Rex van.)
使用C++开发的多人五子棋网络对战游戏,支持多对玩家同时在线游戏(Using C++ to develop multi player Gobang network game, supporting multiple players online games simultaneously)
1 Introduction "BitStronger" is a Chinese chess computer game engine based on the Chinese Chess General Engine Protocol (UCCI). The project is developed in C++ and is licensed under the GPL. The current version runs on 32-bit Windows platforms. The engine communicates with the Chinese chess interface software supporting UCCI through standard input and standard output, enabling cross-platform and networked man-machine and machine-to-machine battles. For detailed instructions and program development documents, see the files in the docs directory that are distributed with the program.
基于python的扫雷小游戏,不需要安装其他库(Minesweeper game based on python.)
钻石的TGS2011 完全开放 目前最新版本:20180428(The TGS2011 of diamonds is fully open. The latest version: 20180428)
简单的微信小程序虐心小游戏,包含好友关系数据子项目和广告调用(A simple WeChat cruelty game)
我是一个delphi程序员,也是老千年玩家,熊族OL基于神武新章修改,自2012年8月左右开始修改源码,至今已经修改了超过90个版本,目前特色如下:(I am a Delphi programmer, also a millennium player, bear family OL based on the new chapter modification, since August 2012 began to modify the source code, so far has changed more than 90 versions, the current features are as follows:)