使用结构card 来描述一张牌,用随机函数来模拟人工洗牌的过程,最后将洗好的52张牌顺序分别发给四个人。
对每个人的牌要按桥牌的规则输出。即一个人的牌要先按牌的花色(顺序为梅花、方块、红心和黑桃)进行分类,同一类的牌要再按A、K、Q、J、…、3、2牌的大小顺序排列。另发牌应按四个人的顺序依次分发。(Write a simulation program manual shuffle, the cards were sent to wash a good four. Card use to describe the structure of a card, with the random function to simulate the manual process of shuffling, and finally wash the good order of 52 cards were issued to four people. Cards for each person according to the rules of bridge output. That is, a person' s license have to press the card suit (in order of clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades) classification, the same type of licenses to press A, K, Q, J, ..., 3,2 card the size of the order. The other four licensing the order should be distributed.)