最近做了个小游戏五子棋,两人对战类,是用VC,EasyX做的,在网上只能找到EasyX做的贪吃蛇,俄罗斯方块,没有五子棋,自己做了一个。我学C高级期末成绩就是做这个,可以显示出两人的思考时间,可以不断开局,主要是源代码大家可以学习一下..希望与大家多交流。(Easyx我也放在压缩包里了,自己安装一下)(Recently made a small game backgammon, two arcade, with VC, EasyX do, do online can only find EasyX Snake, Tetris, there is no backgammon, he had made one. I learned C high end performance is to do this, thinking they can show the time, you can continue to start, mainly to the source code you can learn more about .. hope we can communicate. (Easyx I put compression bag, and he installed it))